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Monday(Nov.28) | Tuesday(Nov.29)| Wednesday(Nov.30) | Thursday(Dec.1)
8:15-9:45 | Keynote 1 (Alex Sandy Pentland): Honest Signals: How Social Networks Shape Human Behavior (Arizona Ballroom) Twitter: #mm11kn1 |
Art Exhibit (Ballroom Foyers) |
9:45-10:15 | Coffee (South Foyer/Garden) |
10:15-12:30 | Technical Achievement Award and Best Paper Candidates Session (Arizona Ballroom) Twitter: #mm11ta |
12:30-2:00 | TOMCCAP Ed Board meeting (McDowell Room) |
JMM Ed Board meeting (Dunes A) |
Poster Plenary 1 and Lunch (Vaquero A B C) Twitter: #mm11pp1 |
2:00-4:00 | Research 1: Human, Social, and Educational Aspects of Multimedia (Arizona Ballroom IV) Twitter: #mm11rs1 |
Research 2: Location-based and mobile multimedia (Arizona Ballroom V) Twitter: #mm11rs2 |
Open Source Software Competition1 (Arizona Ballroom I II III) Twitter: #mm11os1 |
MiFor (Vaquero E) Twitter: #mm11mf |
IMMPD (Vaquero F) Twitter: #mm11im |
MMAR (Vaquero G) Twitter: #mm11mm |
Panel 1: Smart Games (Arizona Ballroom VI VII VIII) Twitter: #mm11psg |
4:00-4:30 | Coffee (South Foyer/Garden) |
4:30-6:30 | Research 3: Multi-modal integration and understanding in the imperfect world (Arizona Ballroom IV) Twitter: #mm11rs3 |
Research 4: Arts and contemporary digital culture (Arizona Ballroom V) Twitter: #mm11rs4 |
Open Source Software Competition2 (Arizona Ballroom I II III) Twitter: #mm11os2 |
MiFor (Vaquero E) Twitter: #mm11mf |
IMMPD (Vaquero F) Twitter: #mm11im |
MMAR (Vaquero G) Twitter: #mm11mm |
Industrial Exhibit / Technical Demos 1 (South Foyer, West Foyer) Twitter: #mm11ie1, #mm11td1 |
8:30-10:00 | ACM MM 2011-2012 Organizers meeting (McDowell Room) |