Call for Workshop Proposals

Call for Workshop Proposals for ACM Multimedia 2011

ACM Multimedia 2011 Organization Committee invites active members of community to submit workshop proposals. The workshops should be “clearly focused” and facilitating active discussions and constructive interactions on current or emerging topics of interest. They should allow members of the community to compare and discuss approaches, methods,and new concepts on research topics pertinent to the main conference. These topics often offer emerging interests to the multimedia research community or bridge the community with other areas.

ACM Multimedia 2011 will experiment a new workshop format such that the workshop will be co-located with ACM Multimedia main conference during the normal conference days (November 28-December 1, 2011). We hope that this new format will increase the appeal of the workshop, and significantly boost the workshop attendance.

Workshop proposals for ACM Multimedia 2011 should include:

  • The title, goals of the workshop
  • The specific topics that will be addressed by the workshop
  • The relevance and significance of this workshop to the main conference
  • The history of the workshop if it is not the first version
  • The estimated paper submission volume and paper acceptance rate
  • Full day or half day workshop program
  • If there is journal special issue arrangement of the published workshop paper
  • A draft workshop call for papers with:
    • The names, affiliations, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the workshop organizers, who should be experts in the related topics and preferably from multiple institutions
    • The paper selection process
    • A list of potential Program Committee members and their affiliations

Workshop proposals should not exceed 3 pages and should be submitted to the Workshop Chairs, Borko Furht, Jin Li and Maria Luisa Sapino. Workshop proposals will be evaluated based on various criteria including the quality and level of details of the proposal, the theme of the workshop, its relevance to the main conference, and the overall balance of the conference workshop program.

Important Dates:

Proposal Submission Deadline:     March 14, 2011
Proposal Acceptance:                March 28, 2011
Workshop Day:                         November 28-December 1, 2011


Workshop Co-chairs:
Borko Furht (, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Jin Li (, Microsoft Research, USA
Maria Luisa Sapino (,University of Torino, Italy

ACM Multimedia 2011 Workshops Policy

Organizing a workshop with ACM Multimedia 2011 makes a great contribution to the community and takes great effort from the organizers and the program committee. It is also a high visibility undertaking. In general, ACM Multimedia 2011 expects full-day workshops. One key organizer must commit to attend and manage the workshop on site. It is recommended to have at most three co-chairs for a workshop.

In the past, we have received workshop proposals with similar and/or highly related themes. In such a case, the ACM Multimedia 2011 workshop chairs may encourage the organizers of the related workshop to consider to merge the related workshop into a combined workshop.

Although we encourage the workshop organizers to feature novel and high-quality events (for example, keynote speaker session, panel discussion session, roundtable discussion) to promote their workshop quality and attendance, it is required for the organizers to discuss with the ACM Multimedia 2011 workshop chairs in advance to get approval for any special sessions other than paper presentation sessions.

It is the duties of the workshop organizer to inform the ACM Multimedia 2011 workshop chairs as soon as possible, but no later than June. 30, 2011, if it is desirable to hold the workshop on a particular date, (e.g., to accommodate the conference schedule and travel need of the invited speakers). The workshop chairs will check the availability of the facility to see if such request can be accommodated.

It is required for the workshop organizers to submit an estimated paper submission volume in their workshop proposals. For a workshop, if the received number of paper submission is lower than 25 or the number of accepted paper is lower than 12, the workshop may not have sufficient sessions for a full-day program. In such a case, the workshop may be converted into a half-day event. If the number of submitted paper for a workshop is at a significant lower level, the event may also be cancelled.

All attendants of a workshop (organizers, invited speakers, authors, etc) need to register. The workshop should follow agreed submission deadlines specified by the ACM Multimedia 2011 Workshop Chairs. Workshop organizers should not change these deadlines without the explicit agreement from the workshop chairs.

All invited and regular paper submissions must go through professional peer reviews. Although no hard acceptance rate threshold specified, one would not normally expect more than 50% of papers to be accepted. In addition, any accepted paper should make a reasonable contribution to the field of study.

ACM Multimedia 2011

Nov 28th - Dec 1st, 2011 Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

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