Welcome to the ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge 2011!
What problems do Yahoo, HP, Nokia, Technicolor, 3DLife and other companies see in the future of multimedia?
The Multimedia Grand Challenge is a set of problems from industry leaders, geared to engage the Multimedia research community in solving relevant, interesting and challenging questions about the industry’s 2-5 year horizon for multimedia.
The Grand Challenge was first presented as part of ACM Multimedia 2009 and has established itself as a prestigious competition in the multimedia community. This year's conference will continue the tradition with both ongoing as well as brand new challenges.
We therefore call for submissions of contributions to the ACM Multimedia 2011 Grand Challenge track.
The submissions should:
- Significantly address one of the challenges posted on the Grand Challenge web site.
- Depict working, presentable systems or demos.
- Describe why the system presents a novel and interesting solution.
Preference is given to results that are reproducible by the research community, e.g.where the data and the source code is made publicly available.
The submissions (4 pages) should be formatted according to ACM MM formatting guidelines. Based on the submission, the finalists will be selected by a committee consisting of academia and industry representatives. Finalist submissions will be published in the proceedings and presented in a special event during the MM 2011 conference in Arizona. At the conference, the finalists will introduce the idea shortly to the audience, give a quick demo, and take difficult questions from the judges. Based on the presentation and the submission, a team of judges and the attending crowd will select the top contributor and declare the winner of the Grand Challenge 2011. Optionally, the jury might also present other awards.
Deadline: August 6th, 11:59pm PST, 2011
2011 Challenges:
- HP Challenge: High Impact Visual Communication
- Technicolor Challenge: Precise Event Recognition and Description from Video Excerpts
- Nokia Challenge: Visual Landmark Recognition
- Yahoo! Video Challenge: Robust Automatic Segmentation of Video According to Narrative Themes
- Yahoo! Image Challenge: Novel Image Understanding
- Huawei/3DLife Challenge: Realistic Interaction in Online Virtual Environments
Please also visit the past challenge pages for a list of 2009 and 2010 winners:
Please submit your contribution here: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/MMC2011/