This year, all papers accepted for oral presentation in main conference, symposium, and workshop events will also be included in "Poster Plenary Sessions" to encourage face-to-face interactions of the paper presenters with the other conference attendees. Details and the "Poster Plenary Sessions" schedules are as follows:
Poster Plenary Session1 (Tuesday, Nov. 29: 12:30pm-2:00pm):
Poster Plenary Session2 (Wednesday, Nov. 30: 12:30pm-2:00pm):
Poster Plenary Session3 (Thursday, Dec. 1: 12:30pm-2:00pm):
Please pay attention: the poster board is "landscape" format and its dimension is 4 feet (height) by 8 feet (width)
For the authors of papers accepted for oral presentation in main conference (including Technical Achievement Award and Best Paper Candidates Session), each speaker is allocated 30 minutes, including Q&A and time to change speakers. For workshop and symposium oral presentation authors, please check the corresponding program schedule for your time slot at the Program page.