ACM MM 2011 | Nov 28 - Dec 1 | Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Open Source Software Program

Poster papers

ID Paper Title Author Names
4 GoalBit: A Free and Open Source Peer-to-Peer Streaming Network Andres Barrios, GoalBit Solutions; Matias Barrios, GoalBit Solutions; Daniel De Vera, GoalBit Solutions; Pablo Rodríguez-Bocca*, GoalBit Solutions; Claudia Rostagnol, GoalBit Solutions
77 A C++ Library for Handling MPEG-7 Descriptions Werner Bailer*, JOANNEUM RESEARCH; Hermann Fürntratt, JOANNEUM RESESARCH; Peter Schallauer, JOANNEUM RESEARCH; Georg Thallinger, JOANNEUM RESEARCH; Werner Haas, JOANNEUM RESEARCH
78 Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit Luis Ibanez*, KITWARE Inc
82 Content Based Image Retrieval with LIRe Mathias Lux*, Klagenfurt University
83 Tribler: P2P media search and sharing Nicolaas Zeilemaker*, TUDelft; Mihai Capota, TUDelft; Arno Bakker, TUDelft; Johan Pouwelse, TUDelft
21 OpenMusic: Visual Programming Environment for Music Composition, Analysis and Research Jean Bresson (IRCAM); Carlos Agon (IRCAM); Gérard Assayag (IRCAM)

Oral + poster papers

ID Paper Title Author Names
18 OpenIMAJ and ImageTerrier: Java Libraries and Tools for Scalable Multimedia Analysis and Indexing of Images Jonathon Hare*, University of Southampton; Sina Samangooei, University of Southampton; David Dupplaw, University of Southampton
61 From Images to 3D Models Made Easy Isaac Esteban Lopez*, University of Amsterdam; Judith Dijk, TNO; Frans Groen, UvA
74 Timesheets.js: Tools for Web Multimedia Vincent Quint*, INRIA; Fabien Cazenave, INRIA; Cécile Roisin, Grenoble University and INRIA
75 Opencast Matterhorn 1.1: Reaching New Heights Christopher Brooks*, University of Saskatchewan; Markus Ketterl, Universität Osnabrück
79 The FCam API for Programmable Cameras Sung Hee Park*, Stanford University; Andrew Adams, Stanford University; Eino-Ville Talvala, Stanford University
80 Just-In-Time Adaptive Decoder Engine: A universal video decoder based on MPEG RVC Jérôme GORIN*, ARTEMIS; Hervé Yviquel, IRISA; Mickael Raulet, IETR; Françoise Prêteux, mines-paristech
81 Experimenting with Multimedia Advances using GPAC Jean Le Feuvre*, Telecom ParisTech; Cyril Concolato, Telecom ParisTech; Jean-Claude Dufourd, Telecom ParisTech; Romain Bouqueau, Telecom ParisTech; Jean-Claude Moissinac, Telecom ParisTech
89 ClassX - An Open Source Interactive Lecture Streaming System Sherif Halawa*, ; Derek Pang, Stanford University; Ngai-Man Cheung, ; Bernd Girod,
90 A VLC Media Player Plugin enabling Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP Christopher Müller*, Klagenfurt University; Christian Timmerer, Klagenfurt University

ACM Multimedia 2011

Nov 28th - Dec 1st, 2011 Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

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