ACM SIGMM Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications

The 2019 winner of the prestigious ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia (SIGMM) award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications is Professor Mubarak Shah. The award is given in recognition of his outstanding and pioneering and continued research contributions in the areas of multimedia content analysis and multimedia applications, for leadership in education, and for outstanding and continued service to the multimedia community.

ACM SIGMM Rising Star Award 2019

The 2019 winner of the prestigious ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia (SIGMM) Rising Star Award is Dr. Ting Yao. The award is given in recognition of his significant contributions in activity recognition and video captioning.
Dr. Ting Yao is currently a Principal Researcher in Vision and Multimedia Lab at JD AI Research, Beijing, China. His team is focusing on the research and innovation of large-scale multimedia search, video understanding, vision and language, and deep learning. Prior to joining in 2018, he was a Researcher with Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing, China. Dr. Yao is an active participant of...

ACM SIGMM Call for Funding for Special Initiatives 2019

The ACM SIGMM (Special Interest Group in Multimedia) provides a forum for researchers, engineers, and practitioners in all aspects of multimedia computing, communication, storage, and applications. We do this through our sponsorship and organisation of conferences and workshops, supporting student travel to such events, discounted registrations, two regional chapters, recognition of excellence and achievement through an awards scheme and we inform the community of our activities through the SIGMM Records and through mailing lists.

The SIGMM Executive invites applications for funding for...

The SIGMM Conference Ambassador’s Programme 2019

The ACM SIGMM (Special Interest Group in Multimedia) provides a forum for researchers, engineers, and practitioners in all aspects of multimedia computing, communication, storage, and applications. We do this through our sponsorship and organisation of conferences and workshops, supporting student travel to such events, discounted registrations, two regional chapters, recognition of excellence and achievement through an awards scheme and we inform the community of our activities through the SIGMM Records and through mailing lists.

There are many areas with which SIGMM has, or would like...

Interview with Dr. Yong Rui, ACM Fellow

1. [SIGMM Editor] “Why do societies such as ACM offer Fellows status to some of its members?”
Dr. Yong Rui: 

The ACM Fellow status is ACM's most prestigious member grade that recognizes the top 1% of ACM members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community. The ACM Fellow’s technical insight and achievements play a critical role in driving the development of the field. In addition, the ACM Fellows are models to motivate other ACM members to advance their research in computing technologies. 
2. [SIGMM Editor] “What is the significance for you as an...

Chair's message

I would first like to thank the members of SIGMM for electing me to this prestigious and important role.  I am grateful for the trust you have put in me and the other members of the elected SIGMM Executive and we shall strive to continue to make SIGMM an important part of our professional research community.  I would also like to thank the previous elected members of the SIGMM Executive Committee — Shih-Fu Chang, Rainer Lienhart and Nicu Sebe — for their extraordinary service, thank you all.  I’m also delighted that Nicu will provide continuity by serving on the Executive Committee as vice-Chair and I look forward to working with him, with Gerald Friedland as Conference Director and the other members of the Executive.

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