Arts & Digital Culture

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The Arts & Digital Culture program in SIGMM addresses the innovative use of digital technology in the creation, analysis or critique of cultural artifacts, environments and processes.  Its goal is to demonstrate conceptual clarity and computational rigor while suggesting new research opportunities for the field of multimedia at large. This highly inclusive conference ACM MM program area seeks a broad range of integrated artistic and scientific statements that describe digital systems for cultural engagement including, but not limited to, dynamic, generative and interactive multimedia artworks; tools for content preservation and curation; cultural heritage case studies; hybrid physical/digital installations; entertainment, mobile, situated and online environments. We encourage the community to critically examine the artistic, technological and cultural implications and impact of their work, revealing challenges and opportunities of rich societal significance.

How to participateInformation on how to submit techical papers, interactive art exhibits, and find funding sources.

Sample works: Several art exhibits, videos and techincal papers that showcase the program.

Conference Bidding and Operations: Important information about running the arts exhibits, technical program and how to make prospective conference bid.

Arts Archive: A comprehensive history of the ACM MM Interactive Arts & Culture program since its inception in 2004.

This SIGMM area is brought to you by the co-editors Aisling Kelliher, ASU and David A. Shamma, Yahoo! Research.