Operations of the Art Program

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Conference Bidding

Please note to make a bid, you must account for the gallery space.  The highlighted section is noted below:

Required Bid Documents; Two documents are required:

  1. Bid Proposal: This document outlines all of the details except the budget. The proposal should contain:
    1. The Gallery: the details of a proposed art gallery/exhibit space for the Interactive Arts Gallery.  This facility must be an actual building/facility that can house installation exhibits.  Art galleries and science museums have been used successfully in the past.  The bid should include considerations for transportation from the conference to the gallery at least for the night of the art opening; this requires either selecting a facility within walking distance to the Venue, or providing shuttle buses.

Art Gallery Submissions

Art gallery submissions get a little complicated.  In the past we've used the following Call (for Papers and for Art),  Checklist and Project Information Sheet:

  1. Call (txt)
  2. Checklist (pdf)
  3. Project Information Sheet (pdf)