Update: We are pleased to announce that ACM SIGMM Travel Grants go to:
- Vincent Eangladon, Universit ́e de Toulouse
- Ching-Ling Fan, National Tsinghua University
- Mohammad Hosseini, University of Illinois
- Dawei Li, Lehigh University
- Preben N. Olsen, University of Oslo
- Cecilia Pasquini, University of Trento
- Patrick Pegus, University of Massachusetts
- Xin Qi, College of William & Mary
- Michael Alexander Riegler, University of Oslo
- Kristoffer Robin Stokke, University of Oslo
- McIntyre Watts, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Mengbai Xiao, George Mason University
MMSys 2015 ACM SIGMM Travel Grants for Graduate and Undergraduate Students
The organizers of the ACM Multimedia Systems 2015 conference and its co-located workshops (NOSSDAV 2015, MoVid 2015, and MMVE 2015) are pleased to announce the 2015 ACM SIGMM Student Travel Grants to encourage more students both at the graduate and undergraduate levels to attend and participate in the ACM MMSys 2015 conference and co-located workshops. Each travel award will cover up to USD 500 towards conference travel-related costs (registration fee, hotel, and airfare). We especially encourage minority and female PhD students to apply. In addition, special consideration will be given to undergraduate students actively participating in research. Please note that the funds are quite limited and therefore the grants are expected to be quite competitive.
- The applicant must be a student enrolled at an international university and pursuing a PhD degree or be a research-active M.S. or undergraduate student in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or technical field related to conference topics.
- Priority will be given to student authors with accepted papers at ACM MMSys 2015 and/or its co-located workshops.
- The recipients must register and attend the full conference.
- The funding will be used for student travel-related support only. Preference will be given to students traveling from a far distance to the conference.
- Zixia Huang (Google Inc.)
- Yao Liu (SUNY Binghamton)
- Håkon Kvale Stensland (University of Oslo)
To apply, graduate and undergraduate students must send an email to mmsys15.stg@gmail.com with a single PDF document with:
- Your CV or resume (containing your full name and e-mail address, current address and contact phone number, and current GPA in the coursework).
- 1-paragraph statement (no more than 250 words) how you will be participating in the conference and why attending it is important to your research, work, and/or future career.
- A letter of nomination from the sponsoring faculty member that specifies how much, if anything, your advisor can provide in terms of travel support.
Please note that we ask all grant recipients to volunteer as “scribes” sometime during the week and take notes in some of the sessions. We will work with you to assign your time slots, so that you will not be forced to miss anything you want to attend.
- Application Submission: Feb 9, 2015
- Decisions/Notifications: Feb 23, 2015
The awardees will be notified by email and their names will be published on the conference Web page.
Awardees must keep the receipts for their travel costs (the cost for registration, airfare, and hotel only) for reimbursement with ACM.