
MMSys 2015 Camera Ready Instructions

Preparing the Camera-Ready Copy

Please read the instructions below. Submissions that do not conform to the ACM SIG standards, specifications, guidelines, and formats will be returned to the author for corrections.

All ACM SIG sponsored proceedings will be included in the ACM Digital Library as well as prepared for electronic publication. All papers for the conference must be submitted in an electronic format that conforms to ACM SIG specifications and formats.

Page Limits

The page limits for MMSys 2015 and its co-located workshops are:

  • MMSys full papers: 6-12 pages
  • MMSys dataset papers: up to 6 pages
  • MMSys special session: 6-12 pages
  • MMSys demo paper: up to 4 pages
  • NOSSDAV 2015: up to 6 pages
  • MoVid 2015: up to 6 pages
  • MMVE 2015: up to 6 pages

Mandatory Information

The following information must be specified completely and correctly in HotCRP:

  • Paper Title
  • Author’s complete names (incl. complete first names)
  • Every author’s email address
  • Every author’s affiliation
  • Abstract

Three Steps

  1. You will receive an email from rightsreview@acm.org containing a link, through which you can choose the copyright option for your paper.
  2. You will then receive another email from rightsreview@acm.org, containing the exact bibstrip (copyright notice, DOI, ISBN, etc) to include into your camera-ready version.
  3. Prepare and submit your camera-ready version to HotCRP, following the checklist and instructions below.

Formatting Checklist

Please pay attention to the following rules when formatting your camera-ready version of your paper.

  1. You must use the ACM SIG Proceedings Format. You can find the latest templates on the ACM’s website.
  2. You must include as part of the bibstrip, a copyright statement at the bottom of the left column on the first page. The text must be the exact copyright statement that you received from rightsreview@acm.org, after submitting your copyright form to ACM, formatted in 8pt font. Please make sure that the DOI is included as the last line in the bibstrip. Note that the 2012 version of ACM sig-alternate.cls does not support this well, so you can either edit the .cls file, or use an unofficial ACM version of the class file found here.
  3.  The page size must be US Letter.
  4. You must include categories and subject descriptors, keywords, and general terms in the first page of the paper (after abstract and before introduction). You may refer to the 1998 ACM Classification for the categories and subject descriptors.
  5. You must use Type-1 fonts for your submission. Do not use Type-3 fonts.
  6. If you use Adobe Distiller, you can use the ACM Digital Library optimal distiller settings file, ACM.joboptions
  7. You must embed all fonts in the PDF. ACM has documentation on how to embed your fonts.
  8. You must avoid orphan lines: no single lines of body text at the bottom or top of a column, no headings without at least two lines of body text at the bottom of a column.
  9. You must ensure that figures are readable when printed on gray scale printers.
  10. You must avoid page numbering, headers and footers.
  11. You must create an optimized PDF file that is compatible with Acrobat 5.0 (PDF1.4).
  12. You must prevent down-sampling of images.
  13. Finally, please avoid hyperlinks in your paper. The post-processing that is required for ACM DL is known to produce bad visual quality with the tools that we have available.


Please send any question to Cheng-Hsin Hsu (chsu@cs.nthu.edu.tw)

How to Submit

  • Log in to the respective submission site for MMSys, NOSSDAV, MoVid, or MMVE (you can use the login URL from previous communication)
  • Click on your accepted paper
  • Click on the edit button
  • You can now see Final copy PDF file and an upload button.


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