Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
8:00 – 8:30
Registration – Coffee & Tea, Smalltalk
8:30 – 8:45
8:45 – 9:45
Session: Keynote 1
Session Chair: Carsten Griwodz
Keynote speaker: Rui Casais, Funcom
Title: Technical challenges of developing MMOGs (video)
9:45 – 10:00
Coffee & Tea Break
10:00 – 11:30
Special Session: 3D Technology in Multimedia (90min)
Session Chair: Klara Nahrstedt
- Energy-Budget-Compliant Adaptive 3D Texture Streaming in Mobile Games (video)
- Saliency Detection for Stereoscopic Video (video)
- A 3D Tele-Immersion system based on live captured mesh geometry (video)
11:30 – 12:30
Lunch Break
12:30 – 14:00
Session 1: Mobile, Analytics and Cloud
Session Chair: Laszlo Böszörmenyi
- GamingAnywhere: An Open Cloud Gaming System (video)
- Bagadus: An Integrated System for Arena Sports Analytics – A Soccer Case Study – (video)
- Aggregate Power Consumption Modeling of Live Video Streaming Systems (video)
14:00 – 14:15
Coffee & Tea Break
14:15 – 15:30
Dataset Session (part 1)
Session Chair: Pablo Cesar, CWI
- Fashion-focused Creative Commons Social dataset (video)
- A Professionally Annotated and Enriched Multimodal Data Set on Popular Music (video)
- Consumer video dataset with marked head trajectories (video)
- Video Surveillance Online Repository (ViSOR) (video)
- Blip10000: A social Video Dataset containing SPUG Content for Tagging and Retrieval (video)
15:30 – 15:45
Coffee & Tea Break
15:45 – 17:15
Dataset Session (part 2)
Session Chair: Pablo Cesar, CWI
- The 2012 Social Event Detection Dataset (video)
- The Jiku Mobile Video Dataset (video)
- Commute Path Bandwidth Traces from 3G Networks: Analysis and Applications (video)
- Monitoring Mobile Video Delivery to Android Devices (video)
- SopCast P2P Live Streaming: Live Session Traces and Analysis. (video was broken)
- Distributed DASH Dataset (video)
Demos & Posters
Session Chair: Paul Vigmostad
- A Video Navigation Interface Using Multi-faceted Search Hierarchies
- Annotation of Endoscopic Videos on Mobile Devices: A Bottom-Up Approach
- Live HTTP Streaming of Video and Subtitles within a Browser
18:30 – midnight
Banquet followed by Reception at the Student Pub Escape
Friday, March 1, 2013
8:00 – 08:15
Coffee & Tea, Smalltalk
8:15 – 09:15
Session: Keynote 2
Session Chair: Roger Zimmermann
Keynote Speaker: Torgeir Hovden, ComoYo
Title: Streaming Film & TV in Comoyo (video)
9:15 – 09:30
Coffee & Tea Break
9:30 – 10:30
Panel: Could RTCWeb/WebRTC become the future for all in-browser multimedia communication? (video)
Session Chair: Michael Welzl, University of Oslo
- Harald Alvestrand, Google
- Xavier Marjou, Orange
- Christian Timmerer, University of Klagenfurt
- Max Mühlhäuser, TU Darmstadt
10:30 – 12:00
Session 2: 3D, Smell and Images
Session Chair: Wolfgang Effelsberg
- Exploit Depth Camera for 3D Spatial Relationship Interpretation (video)
- Subjective Evaluation of Olfactory and Visual Media Synchronization (video)
- Sorting JPEG Images at a Glance (video)
12:00 – 13:00
Lunch Break
13:00 – 14:30
Session 3: Media Streaming
Session Chair: Ali C. Begen
- 3D Mesh Preview Streaming (video)
- MPRTP: Multipath Considerations for Real-time Media (video)
- ALD: Adaptive Layer Distribution for Scalable Video (video)
14:30 – 14:45
Coffee & Tea Break
14:45 – 16:15
Session 4: Quality Optimizations
Session Chair: Michael Zink
- SABRE: A Client Based Technique for Mitigating the Buffer Bloat Effect of Adaptive Video Flows (
- Prioritized Evolutionary Optimization in Open Session Management for 3D Tele-immersion (video)
- Exploiting Just-Noticeable Difference of Delay for Improving Quality of Experience in Video Conferencing (video)
16:15 – 16:30
Coffee & Tea Break
16:30 – 18:00
Session 5: Media Delivery and Caching
Session Chair: Gwendal Simon
- Towards A Format-agnostic Approach for Production, Delivery and Rendering of Immersive Media (video)
- Cache-centric Video Recommendation: An Approach to Improve the Efficiency of YouTube Caches (video)
- GreenCache: Augmenting Off-the-Grid Cellular Towers with Multimedia Caches (video)