The emergence of social multimedia has brought challenges as well as opportunities to computing. On one hand, most social multimedia services are user-oriented, making it important to understand user demands from their interactions with the multimedia content. On the other hand, while multimedia content analysis still remains open, the participatory property of social multimedia offers a new solution perspective. Social multimedia computing, a multi-disciplinary research and application field, has been developed to understand social multimedia content and connect the social multimedia content with users by exploiting the various social interactions. The potential applications range from information service, communication, entertainment, to healthcare, security, etc.
Thanks to the wide prevalence of social multimedia data and the increasing demands for social multimedia services, there has been a growing number of research on social multimedia computing, evidenced by the volume of papers produced, and many related tracks and special issues in prestigious multimedia conferences and journals. This tutorial reviews recent progresses in social multimedia computing from two perspectives: social-sensed multimedia computing (3 hours) and user-centric social multimedia computing (3 hours).
Peng Cui
Peng Cui is now an Assistant Professor in Tsinghua University, China. He received his PhD degree from Tsinghua University in 2010. He is an active researcher dedicated to novel algorithms and systems in social multimedia computing, and he is keen to promote the convergence of social media data mining and multimedia computing technologies. Dr. Cui has strong backgrounds in both data mining and multimedia communities. He has published more than 30 papers in prestigious conferences and journals in data mining and multimedia, including ACM MM, SIGKDD, SIGIR, AAAI, IEEE TMM, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TIP etc. His recent research won the ACM MM12 Grand Challenge Multimodal Award, and MMM13 Best Paper Award. He is the Area Chair of ACM MM 2014, ICASSP 2013, Associate Editor of Frontier of Computer Science journal, Guest Editor of Information Retrieval journal, and co-organized several special sessions and workshops on social multimedia in ICMR, ICME, ACM MM and WSDM.
Lexing Xie
Lexing Xie is Senior Lecturer in the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University. She was a research staff member at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in New York from 2005 to 2010, and adjunct assistant professor at Columbia University 2007-2009. She received B.S. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University, all in Electrical Engineering. Her research interests are in applied machine learning, multimedia, social media. Her recent projects are on multimedia analysis, social media tracking, visual semantics, large-scale image and video search, geo-spatial event prediction and recommendation. Lexing's research has received five best student paper and best paper awards between 2002 and 2011, and a Grand Challenge Multimodal Prize at ACM Multimedia 2012. She was the 2005 IBM Research Josef Raviv Memorial Postdoc fellow in Computer Science and Engineering. She is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, and ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMM).
Jitao Sang
Dr. Jitao Sang is assistant professor in National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition at Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He graduated with highest honor for CAS PhD students, the special prize of CAS president scholarship. His research interest is in social multimedia computing, where the recent research in user-centric social multimedia computing has attracted increasing attentions, with award-winning publications in the prestigious conferences (best paper finalist in MM2012 and MM2013, best student paper in MMM2013). He practiced the idea of “From user, On user, For user” in various multimedia researches. He designed a general framework to introduce user factor into multimedia content analysis, by understanding the social multimedia sharing ecosystem from the user-multimedia-tag ternary perspective. Among the first ones to conduct social network analysis in multimedia community, he discovers the advanced social relation and exploit it towards personalized multimedia services. Most recently, his work on user-based cross-network analysis has extended the potentials of social multimedia applications. This has broken the limitations in utilizing separate social media information and brought disruptive models in understanding “multimedia” in the big data era.
Changsheng Xu
Dr. Changsheng Xu is professor in National Lab of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Executive Director of China-Singapore Institute of Digital Media. His research interests include multimedia content analysis/indexing/retrieval, pattern recognition and computer vision. He holds 30 granted/pending patents and published over 200 refereed research papers in these areas. Dr. Xu is an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications and ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal. He received the Best Associate Editor Award of ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications in 2012 and the Best Editorial Member Award of ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal in 2008. He served as Program Chair of ACM Multimedia 2009. He has served as associate editor, guest editor, general chair, program chair, area/track chair, special session organizer, session chair and TPC member for over 20 IEEE and ACM prestigious multimedia journals, conferences and workshops. He is IEEE Fellow and ACM Distinguished Scientist. |