Women in SIGMM - Lunch invitation

Call for Workshop Proposals

We invite proposals for Workshops to be held at the ACM Multimedia 2014 Conference. Accepted workshops will take place during the main conference, which is scheduled for November 3-7, 2014 Orlando, Florida.


We solicit proposals for two different kinds of workshops: regular and data challenge. The SIG Multimedia community expects that the proposed workshop nurture and grow new and emerging research areas.

Regular Workshops

The regular workshops should offer a forum for discussions of broad range of emerging and specialized topics of interest to the SIG Multimedia community. Workshops with an interdisciplinary character are strongly encouraged.

Example themes include: storytelling, large scale sensing, low-power multimedia systems, cyber-physical systems, large scale social gaming infrastructure, robots for assisted living, multimedia theory, multimedia and neuroscience, multimedia toy design, multimodal artificial life, computational advertising, multimedia technology for individuals with disabilities. The topic of the proposed workshop should offer a perspective distinct from the research themes of the main conference. You are strongly encouraged to review the themes of the main conference, which can be found here. The Multimedia community expects that the workshops accepted to be part of the program to nurture and to grow the workshop research theme.

These workshops should be significantly different in character from how conferences are run-in particular they should avoid becoming “mini-conferences” with accompanying keynote presentations and best paper awards. While we expect formal presentation of ideas in the regular workshops, we encourage organizers to propose alternate ways to allow participants to discuss open issues, key methods and important research topics related to the workshop theme; panels, group brainstorming sessions, mini-tutorials around key ideas, proof of concept demonstration sessions, are all examples.

Data Challenge Workshops

We are also seeking organizers to propose Challenge-Based Workshops. Both academic and corporate organizers are welcome.

Data Challenge based workshops are solicited from both academic and corporate organizers. The organizers are supposed to provide a dataset that is exemplary of the complexities of current and future multimodal/multimedia problems, and one or more multimodal/ multimedia tasks whose performance can be objectively measured. Participants in the challenge will evaluate their methods against the challenge data in order to identify areas of strengths and weakness. Best performing participating methods will be presented in the form of papers and oral/poster presentations at the workshop.

Proposal Submission Requirements

Workshop proposals for ACM Multimedia 2014 should include:

  1. Title
  2. Specific topics to be addressed and specific goals
  3. Relevance and significance of this workshop to the main conference
  4. The distinctive characteristics of the workshop, including workshop theme, how the workshop shall be run
  5. A history of the workshop, if not being offered for the first time
  6. Estimated paper submission volume and paper acceptance rate
  7. Expected attendance
  8. Length – Full day or half day
  9. Indication if a journal special issue arrangement for the published workshop papers is in process
  10. A draft workshop call for papers with:
    1. Names, affiliations, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the workshop organizers, who should be experts in the related topics and preferably from multiple institutions
    2. The paper selection process
    3. A list of potential Program Committee members and their affiliations
    4. Important dates

Workshop proposals should not exceed five single spaced pages and should be submitted to the Workshop Chairs:
Andreas Mauthe a.mauthe@lancaster.ac.uk
Hari Sundaram hs1@illinois.edu
Max Muehlhaeuser max@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de

Important note for the authors: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

Evaluation rubric

  1. Longevity: Per existing standing guidelines develop by SIG Multimedia for workshops: “A workshop should not be allowed to run for more than three consecutive years, and there should be no permanent “standing” workshops.”
  2. Novelty: Does the proposed workshop theme distinguish itself from the themes of the main conference? Is the topic an emerging area? Is it high-risk with a possibility of high reward if successful?
  3. Viability: If the proposed workshop is accepted, is there enough interest in terms of submissions to run the proposed workshop? Evidence such as commitments of interest from likely participants, with potential paper titles is preferred. A workshop proposal where there are 10 commitments from participants would be considered strong.
  4. Track record of the organizers: We shall examine the experience and track record of the organizers in organizing prior workshops. Dates of past workshops including conference location; number of attendees in past workshops, strength of the program committee will be used to evaluate the past track record of the organizers.
  5. Workshop format: How does the format of the workshop promote discussion around the topic, beyond straightforward paper presentation at a conference? What are the other activities proposed to stimulate discussion and development of new research directions?

Based on current SIG Multimedia workshop guidelines, workshops will be selected from competitive proposals with an acceptance rate of 50% or less. We will accept up to ten workshops.

Important Dates

Challenge based Workshops

Proposal Submission Deadline: February 1, 2014
Preliminary Notification: February 5, 2014
Challenge Data release: February 15, 2014
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: February 25, 2014
Deadline for acceptance notification of workshop papers: August 7, 2014
Deadline for workshop summaries to Proceedings Chairs: August 13, 2014
Deadline for Chairs to provide XLS/CSV spreadsheets of accepted papers to Proceedings Chairs: August 13, 2014
Deadline for camera ready by authors: August 24, 2014
Deadline for Chairs to make sure that all the materials for their workshops are delivered to Proceedings Chairs in the camera ready format: August 30, 2014

Regular Workshops

Proposal Submission Deadline: February 15, 2014
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: February 25, 2014
Deadline for acceptance notification of workshop papers: August 7, 2014
Deadline for workshop summaries to Proceedings Chairs: August 13, 2014
Deadline for Chairs to provide XLS/CSV spreadsheets of accepted papers to Proceedings Chairs: August 13, 2014
Deadline for camera ready by authors: August 24, 2014
Deadline for Chairs to make sure that all the materials for their workshops are delivered to Proceedings Chairs in the camera ready format: August 30, 2014

Important Dates
Call for Full and Short Papers
Notification of Acceptance
July 8, 2014
Camera-ready submission
August 11, 2014
Call for Papers for Doctoral Symposium
Camera-ready submission
August 11, 2014
Call for Workshop Proposals
Deadline for camera ready submission by authors
August 24, 2014
Call For High Risk/High Reward Papers
Paper acceptance notification
July 7, 2014
Interactive Art Exhibit
Call for the Open Source Software Competition
Camera-ready submission deadline
August 11, 2014
Call for Multimedia Grand Challenge Solutions
Submission deadline
July 6, 2014
Notification of acceptance
July 25, 2014
Camera-ready submission deadline
August 11, 2014
Call for Tutorials
Notification of acceptance
June 25, 2014
Call for Artworks
Notification of acceptance
July 7, 2014
Call for Technical Demos
Camera-ready submission deadline
August 11, 2014
Call for Panel Proposals
ACM MM 14 sponsors