Freely available source code, traces and test content

Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2012 (ISSN 1947-4598)

Freely available source code, traces and test content

ENST-Drums (Videos + Audios)


The ENST-Drums database (only audio was previously distributed) is a varied research database for automatic drum transcription and processing:

  • Three professional drummers specialized in different music genres were recorded.
  • Total duration of audio material recorded per drummer is around 75 minutes.
  • Each drummer played his own drum kit.
  • Each sequence used either sticks, rods, brushes or mallets to increase the diversity of drum sounds.
  • The drum kits themselves are varied, ranging from a small, portable, kit with two toms and 2 cymbals, suitable for jazz and latin music ; to a larger rock drum set with 4 toms and 5 cymbals.

Each sequence is recorded on 8 individual audio channels, is filmed from two angles, and is fully annotated. In this release, the public dataset is accessible both for audio and video content.

Olivier Gillet, Gaël Richard

QUASI database for the evaluation of music source separation


This database is composed of 11 multitrack songs, each mixed in several ways by a professional sound engineer. Both the mixes and the original sources are provided under Creative Commons licences. These data have been used for the "Professionally produced music recordings" task of the SiSEC 2010 and 2011 evaluations.

Thomas Fillon and Gaël Richard, Télécom ParisTech
Emmanuel Vincent, INRIA

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