Announcement of SIGMM Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award 2015
ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia (SIGMM) is pleased to present the 2015 SIGMM Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award to Dr. Ting Yao and Honorable Mention recognition to Dr. Britta Meixner.
The award committee considers Dr. Yao’s dissertation entitled “Multimedia Search by Self, External, and Crowdsourcing Knowledge” worthy of the recognition as the thesis proposes an innovative knowledge transfer framework for multimedia search which is expected to have significant impact...
TOMM Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award 2015
The 2015 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMM) Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award is provided to the paper “A Quality of Experience Model for Haptic Virtual Environments”(TOMM vol.10, Issue 3) by Abdelwahab Hamam, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik and Jihad Alja'am.
The purpose of the named award is to recognize the most significant work in ACM TOMM (formerly TOMCCAP) in a given calendar year. The whole readership of ACM TOMM was invited to...
SIGMM Inaugural Workshop on Multimedia Frontiers
[PDF version]
Brisbane, Australia
October 26, 2015, 9am – 5pm
(detailed program at http://sigmm.org/news/sigmm_workshop_mf)
In celebration of the rising leadership of the multimedia community, we are launching a new SIGMM Workshop on Multimedia Frontiers, a prestigious event exclusively reserved to highlight invited talks by rising stars who have received PhD degree within the last 10 years and demonstrated exceptional potential in multimedia research....
ACM TOMM Call for Papers Special Issue On Trust Management for Multimedia Big Data
TOMM will feature a special issue series on "Multimedia Big Data". First topic will be "Trust Management".
Important Dates
Paper submission due: October 1st, 2015
Notification of decision: December 15th, 2015
Revision due: February 15th, 2016
Acceptance notification: April 15th, 2016
Camera ready: May 1st, 2016
Approximate publication date: August 2016
ACM TOMM Call for Papers Special Issue On Multimedia Big Data: Networking
Please consider submitting to the second special issue in next years special issue series.
Important Dates
Paper submission due: December 15, 2015 (Firm Deadline)
Decision notification: February 15, 2016
Revision due: April 15, 2016
Acceptance notification: June 15, 2016
Camera ready version due: July 1, 2016
Publication date: October 2016
Call for Nominations EiC ACM ToMM
Call for Nominations
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
The term of the current Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the ACM Transactions on
Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM)
(http://tomm.acm.org/) is coming to an end, and the ACM Publications Board
has set up a nominating committee to assist the Board in selecting the
next EiC.
Nominations, including self-...
Call for Bids - ACM MM 2018 in Asia
The ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia is inviting for bids for holding its flagship "ACM International Conference on Multimedia".
The bids are invited for holding the 2018 conference in Asia.
The details of the two required bid documents, evaluation procedure and deadlines are given here:
The bids are due on September 1, 2015.
The interested parties are encouraged to contact me before...
Call for Nominations for three major awards in 2015
* SIGMM Award for Outstanding Technical Contributions to Multimedia
Computing, Communications and Applications
Submission Deadline: May 31, 2015
* SIGMM Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis in Multimedia Computing,
Communications and Applications
Submission Deadline: May 31, 2015
* SIGMM Rising Star Award
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2015
ACM TOMM - Call for Special Issue Proposals
ACM TOMM is one of the world's leading journals on multimedia. As in previous years, we are planning to publish a special issue (SI) in 2016. Proposals are accepted until May, 1st 2015. Each special issue is in the responsibility of the guest editors. If you wish to guest edit a special issue, you should prepare a proposal as outlined below, then send this via e-mail to the Senior Associate Editor (SAE) for Special Issue Management of TOMM, Shervin Shirmohammadi shervin@ieee.org
ACM TOMM Call for Nominations - Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award
Information For Contributors
The Editor-in-Chief of ACM TOMM invites you to nominate candidates for the ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper.
The award is given annually to the author(s) of an outstanding paper published in print in ACM TOMM within the previous legal year from January 1 until December 31. The award carries a plaque as well as travel funds to the ACM MM conference where the awardee...