SIGMM Competition for New SIGMM Logo

Call for Participation

The SIGMM Executive Committee would like to call the multimedia community to action to participate in the design competition for the new SIGMM Logo. As advertised during the ACM Multimedia 2008 SIGMM Business Meeting in Vancouver, Canada, October 29, 2008, the competition deadline for the new SIGMM Logo is January 15, 2009. The winner of the competition will receive $500 and will be broadly recognized in SIGMM venues such as the SIGMM website, SIGMM Records e-newsletter and at the next ACM Multimedia 2009 premier conference in Beijing, China.

The selection committee will consist of the SIGMM Executive Committee and it will announce its results by March 15, 2009. Note: Winner will be required to sign a general release granting ACM/SIGMM all rights of ownership and use of design.

The proposed SIGMM Logo designs should be submitted to the SIGMM Chair, Klara Nahrstedt, electronically at  


Klara Nahrstedt

SIGMM Chair on behalf of the SIGMM Executive Committee

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