Call for Organization of ICMR2024

The ICMR Steering Committee invites interested parties to submit proposals to host and organize the 14th International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, ICMR2024 (sponsored by the ACM SIGMM).

ACM ICMR is the premier scientific conference for multimedia retrieval.  Its mission is to provide a forum to discuss,  promote and advance the state-of-the-arts in multimedia retrieval by bringing together researchers and practitioners in its related field. It is thus essential to ensure that the conference includes sessions for presenting high-quality research papers and for sharing practitioner experience.

We expect ICMR2024 to be held in the Asia-Pacific region.  The list of previous ICMRs is in the HP at

Parties interested in hosting ICMR2024 are invited to submit their proposals (20 pages or less) by Friday, 29 July 2022 by email with the subject line: ICMR2024 to the steering committee chair. The details of CFO is in the HP.

Kiyoharu Aizawa,
Chair of ACM ICMR Steering Committee