Paper ID |
Paper Title |
46 |
Visual Query Attributes Suggestion |
49 |
Video Saliency Detection in the Compressed Domain |
52 |
Compact Kernel Hashing with Multiple Features |
65 |
Dynamic Camera Calibration Method for Free-viewpoint Experience in Sport Videos |
112 |
Similar image search with a tiny bag-of-delegates representation |
141 |
A Robust and Efficient Shot Boundary Detection Approach Based on Fisher Criterion |
179 |
Robust Cross-Media Transfer for Visual Event Detection |
186 |
Online Non-feedback Image Re-ranking via Dominant Data Selection |
190 |
A Genetic Algorithm for Audio Retargeting |
194 |
Seam Carving with Forward Gradient Difference Maps |
197 |
Optimal Semi-Supervised Metric Learning for Image Retrieval |
229 |
Surveillance Video Coding via Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition |
238 |
Enhanced Extraction of Moving Objects in Variable Bit-Rate Video Streams |
274 |
Low Rank Metric Learning for Social Image Retrieval |
286 |
Improving Dense Image Correspondence Estimation with Interactive User Guidance |
317 |
View-based 3D Object Retrieval by Bipartite Graph Matching |
361 |
Predicting Human Activities using Spatio-Temporal Structure of Interest Points |
475 |
Personalized Video Recommendation Through Tripartite Graph Propagation |
476 |
Local Visual Words Coding for Low Bit Rate Mobile Visual Search |
480 |
Can we understand van Gogh’s Mood? Learning to infer affects from images in social networks |
484 |
Human Action Recognition and Retrieval Using Sole Depth Information |
493 |
Clothing Genre Classification by Exploiting the Style Elements |
494 |
AttachedShock: Facilitating Moving Targets Acquisition on Augmented Reality Devices using Goal-crossing Actions |
563 |
MixPad: Augmenting Interactive Paper with Mice & Keyboards for Cross-media and Fine-grained Interaction with Documents |
671 |
Attribute-assisted Reranking for Web Image Retrieval |
676 |
Query Expansion Enhancement by Fast Binary Matching |
677 |
Image Tag Re-ranking by Coupled Probability Transition |
683 |
Touch Saliency |
710 |
Local Geometry Adaptive Manifold Re-Ranking for 3D Object Retrieval |
741 |
Recognizing Actions Using Depth Motion Maps-based Histograms of Oriented Gradients |
742 |
Context-aware Affective Images Classification based on Bilayer Sparse Representation |
744 |
DLMSearch: Diversified Landmark Search by Photo |
765 |
Gabor-Based Gradient Orientation Pyramid for Kinship Verification Under Uncontrolled Environments |
771 |
Detecting Rule of Simplicity from Photos |
773 |
An Approach to Automatic Construction of Cinemagraphs |
774 |
Robust Stroke-based Video Animation via Layered Motion and Correspondence |
779 |
Fast Semantic Image Retrieval based on Random Forest |
781 |
Sketch-based Image Retrieval on Mobile Devices Using Compact Hash Bits |
786 |
Breaking Row-Column Shuffle Based Image Cipher |
796 |
Human-Computer Dance Interaction with Realtime Accelerometer Control |
801 |
Texture Optimization for Seamless View Synthesis Through Energy Minimization |
812 |
Activity-Based Person Identification Using Sparse Coding and Discriminative Metric Learning |
817 |
Detection Bank: An Object Detection Based Video Representation for Multimedia Event Recognition |
819 |
Robust AAM-Based Audio-Visual Speech Recognition against Face Direction Changes |
825 |
Towards Relevance and Saliency Ranking of Image Tags |
829 |
Reducing Cross-Group Traffic with Cooperative Streaming Architecture |
833 |
Mobile-Based Advertisement Information Retrieval from Images and Websites |
835 |
Semi-Supervised Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning for Video Annotation Task |
838 |
On the Music Content Authentication |
841 |
A Study on Making Camera Trajectory from Panorama Watching Manipulation |
842 |
A user study on image browsing on touchscreens |
848 |
Discriminative ICA Model with Reconstruction Constraint for Image Classification |
853 |
A New Heat-Map-based Algorithm for Human Group Activity Recognition |
858 |
Geo-Location Inference on News Articles via Multimodal pLSA |
859 |
A method for detecting salient regions using integrated features |
862 |
Multimedia Event Recounting with Concept based Representation |
864 |
Critical Gameplay: Designing Games to Critique Convention |
869 |
Search Web Images Using Objects, Backgrounds and Conditions |
871 |
Virtual reference view generation for CBIR-based visual pose estimation |
881 |
Detecting Viewing Directions to Landmarks for Recommendation by Large-scale User-contributed Photos |
890 |
Sparsity Cue in Image Copy Detection |
891 |
Deep Nonlinear Metric Learning with Independent Subspace Analysis for Face Verification |
894 |
QoE-based Opportunistic Transmission for Video Broadcasting in Heterogeneous Circumstance |
898 |
Color Transfer Based on Multiscale Gradient-aware Decomposition and Color Distribution Mapping |
899 |
What is Happening: Annotating Images with Verbs |
904 |
On Sparse and Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition for Singing Voice Separation |
914 |
Memorable Basis: Towards Human-Centralized Sparse Representation |
920 |
Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval Based on Clustering by Multiple Sequence Alignment |
923 |
Social Tag Alignment with Image Regions by Sparse Reconstructions |
926 |
Neighborhood Preserving Hashing for Fast Similarity Search |
932 |
Detecting Text in the Real World |
933 |
Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Recognition of Human Action in 3D Joint Space |
935 |
Smooth and efficient crowd transformation |
936 |
Face Image Super-Resolution via Nearest Feature Line |
937 |
Face Photo Retrieval by Sketch Example |
944 |
Drive Video Summarization based on Double Articulation Structure of Driving Behavior |
946 |
Modalities Consensus for Multi-Modal Constraint Propagation |
948 |
Augmented Reality Card Game based on User-specific Information Control |
950 |
Interactive Multimodal Social Robot for Improving Quality of Care of Elderly in Australian Nursing Homes |
951 |
Joint Semantic Segmentation by Searching for Compatible-Competitive References |
952 |
Plug&Touch: A Mobile Interaction Solution for Large Display via Vision-Based Hand Gesture Detection |
958 |
Geometric context-Preserving Progressive Transmission in Mobile Visual Search |
961 |
An Effective Multi-Clue Fusion Approach for Web Video Topic Detection |
962 |
Secure Cloud-based Medical Data Visualization |
964 |
State-based Steganography in Low Bit Rate Speech |
968 |
Efficient Mobile Landmark Recognition Based on Saliency-Aware Scalable Vocabulary Tree |
969 |
3D Fingertip and Palm Tracking in Depth Image Sequences |
975 |
Parsing Collective Behaviors by Hierarchical Model with Varying Structure |
976 |
Supervised Cross-collection Topic Modeling |
978 |
Markov-based Image Forensics for Photographic Copying from Printed Picture |
979 |
Secure Content Sharing for Social Network Using Fingerprinting and Encryption in the TSH Transform Domain |
981 |
PDSS: Patch-Descriptor-Similarity Space for Effective Face Verification |
986 |
Correlation-based burstiness for logo retrieval |
989 |
Large-Scale Simultaneous Multi-Object Recognition and Localization via Bottom Up Search-Based Approach |
990 |
From Speech to Personality: Mapping Voice Quality and Intonation into Personality Differences |
991 |
Predicting the Conflict Level in Television Political Debates: an Approach Based on Crowdsourcing, Nonverbal Communication and Gaussian Processes |
992 |
Sketch-based Image Retrieval on Large Scale Database |
998 |
Using Structural Patches Tiling to Guide Human Head-Shoulder Segmentation |
1000 |
Video Object Segmentation with Shortest Path |
1001 |
Indoor and outdoor profiling of users in multimedia installations |
1002 |
A study on the user perception to color variations |
1003 |
Video Object Cosegmentation |
1004 |
Parallel Deblocking Filtering in H.264/AVC using Multiple CPUs and GPUs |
1007 |
ROI-Based Protection Scheme for High Definition Interactive Video Applications |
1008 |
Community as a Connector: Associating Faces with Celebrity Names in Web Videos |
1009 |
Toward Next Generation Coaching Tools for Court Based Racquet Sports |
1014 |
Ulcer Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos |
1023 |
Advanced Downlink LTE Radio Resource Management for HTTP-Streaming |
1028 |
Dynamic Vocabularies for Web-based Concept Detection by Trend Discovery |
1033 |
Comparison of prediction-based fusion and feature-level fusion across different learning models |
1036 |
Digiti Sonus: An Interactive Fingerprint Sonification |
1045 |
Conversationally-inspired Stylometric Features for Authorship Attribution in Instant Messaging |
1050 |
Coherent Image Selection Using a Fast Approximation to the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem |
1056 |
Depth Estimation for Semi-Automatic 2D to 3D Conversion |
1059 |
Predicting Domain Adaptivity: Redo or Recycle? |
1065 |
Social Event Detection: Finding Events through the Social Interaction Graph |
1068 |
Music/Speech Classification Using High-level Features Derived from fMRI Brain Imaging |
1069 |
Bilingual Analysis of Song Lyrics and Audio Words |
1074 |
Self-Paced Dictionary Learning for Image Classification |
1077 |
Bridging Music and Image: A Preliminary Study with Multiple Rank-CCA Learning |
1080 |
Energy-Aware Adaptations in Mobile 3D Graphics |
1081 |
ITEM: Immersive Telepresence for Entertainment and Meeting with Commodity Setup |
1084 |
Predicting Participants in Public Events using Stock Photos |
1088 |
Name That Room: Room identification using acoustic features in a recording |
1090 |
Extending the Life Log to Non-human Subjects: Ambient Storytelling for Human-Object Relationships |
1118 |
Enhancing Visual Dominance by Semantics-Preserving Image Recomposition |
1119 |
PRiSMA: Searching Images in Parallel |
1127 |
Client-side backprojection of presentation slides into educational video |