With the explosive dissemination of diverse video capturing devices and mobile networks, we have entered an era where the staggering amount of multimedia data has far surpassed human ability to process all of it manually.
This Special Session will focus on new algorithms and systems that aim at finding persons according to their appearances, identities, attributes, and activities in such media streams. We encourage submissions that surpass traditional person re-identification systems and tackle the new challenge (or opportunity) presented by the availability of rich multimodal data in this space by using: novel representations, learning paradigms, multi-modal frameworks, algorithms designed to work at scale.
We also welcome novel collections that could be used to further spur research and measure performance of intelligent systems for person search and verification with different application backgrounds, e.g., intelligent surveillance, image/video content-based retrieval, social relation mining, cross-media retrieval.
Liang Lin, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Michele Merler, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Liangliang Cao, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Deadline: January 25, 2015, 11:59 PM PST
Please submit your work using the EasyChair conference website.