NOSSDAV 200818th International workshop on
Call for Papers (PDF)As it is established practice at NOSSDAV, the 18th installment will focus on cutting-edge, state-of-the-art research in multimedia and newly emerging areas. NOSSDAV in Braunschweig will be held under the dual sign of interactivity. Firstly, we encourage submissions to the topic of system support for interactive multimedia in particular. New and innovative ideas will be preferred over contributions aimed at perfecting established topics. Controversial ideas and approaches and their open discussion are strongly encouraged. Secondly, we want to incite interactivity among the senior and junior participants. Workshop setting and schedule will be such that discussion is fostered, and it should be especially worthwhile for graduate students with innovative ideas to meet senior researchers as well as peers and receive feedback from them. Paper submissions should not exceed 6 pages in double-column ACM proceedings style. The workshop will include special sessions where participants are invited to present prototypes of their software, demos, or entire research systems online and interactively. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Important DatesThe workshop takes place May 28-30, 2008 (Wednesday-Friday).