International Workshop on
Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video

Sponsored by ACM SIGMultimedia

Newport, Rhode Island

May 22–23, 2006


Newport Marina


  • workshop program and schedule

  • We are pleaseed to announce that the best paper was "The Fun of using TCP for an MMORPG" by Carsten Griwodz and Pål Halvorsen (University of Oslo)

The 16th ACM International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video is set for another innovative year!

ACM NOSSDAV is a uniquely interactive and discussion-oriented workshop attended by top researchers, students, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss new ideas and future directions in multimedia applications, networking, operating systems, and other related areas of computing. Over the years, the scope of ACM NOSSDAV has broadened to include networked games, sensor networks, multimedia interfaces, and peer-to-peer networking. We will continue to evolve the workshop in 2006 by seeking the latest works in emerging research areas and core topics in multimedia.

Information will be added to this page as we complete phases of our planning. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the program co-chairs at the following email addresses:

  • Brian Neil Levine: brian at
  • Mark Claypool: claypool at