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miami beach pics

miami beach pics

May 12-14, 2002
Wyndham Hotel, Miami Beach, FL, USA

miami beach pics

miami beach pics

The NOSSDAV organizing committee invites you to attend this year's conference, which will be held at the Wyndham Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, May 12-14 2002.

For 11 years, NOSSDAV has been an outstanding forum for researchers and developers involved in building innovative multimedia systems, networks, and applications. NOSSDAV brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry to present and discuss new ideas and future directions in networking and operating systems support for multimedia. NOSSDAV 2002 is sponsored by the Special Interest Group on Multimedia (ACM SIGMM) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

The Latest News

Important dates
Workshop: May 12-14, 2002
Early Registration Deadline April 11, 2002
Camera Ready Deadline: April 5, 2002
Acceptance Notification: March 4, 2002
Submission Deadline (extended): January 18, 2002 (midnight PST)

Sponsored by: ACM SIGMM Microsoft Research