Technical Program

This is the tentative technical program for the workshop. Not listed here is registration, a reception Sunday evening, and a banquet/social event on Monday evening.

The program includes short papers and full papers. Short papers are given a 20-minute time slot for presentation, full papers a 30-minute time slot. The speaker is expected to reserve time for questions.

Sunday, September 6
7-9 pm Registration and reception at Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy, Sherrerd Hall
Monday, September 7
9:00 Welcome and opening remarks
9:30-10:30 Watermarking I

Two Key Estimation Techniques for the Broken-Arrows Watermarking Scheme
Patrick Bas, CNRS, and Andreas Westfeld, TW Dresden

An efficient buyer-seller watermarking protocol based on composite signal representation
Mina Deng, IBBT-COSIC, K.U. Leuven; Allesandro Piva, University of Florence; Tiziano Bianchi, University of Florence; Bart Preneel, IBBT-COSIC, K.U. Leuven

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Watermarking II

Reversible Data Hiding Using Additive Prediction-Error Expansion
Ming Chen, Zhenyong Chen, Xiao Zeng and Zhang Xiong
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University

Additive spread-spectrum watermark detection in demosaicked images
Peter Meerwald and Andreas Uhl,
Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg

Optimization of Natural Watermarking Using Transportation Theory
Benjamin Mathon, Patrick Bas, Prancois Cayre, GIPSA-LAB, dept IS-UMR; Benoit Macq, TELE

12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:50 Forensics I

Exposing Digital Forgeries in Video by Detecting Double Quantization
Weihong Wang and Hany Farid, Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College

Unweighted Fusion in Microphone Forensics using a Decision Tree and Linear Logistic Regression Models
Christian Kraetzer, Maik Schott, and Jana Dittmann, Department of Computer Science, Research Group Multimedia and Security Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg, Germany

MP3 Bit Rate Quality Detection through Frequency Spectrum Analysis
Brian D’Alessandro and Yun Q. Shi, New Jersey Institute of Technology

2:50-3:20 Coffee Break
3:20-4:50 Steganalysis

Calibration Revisited
Jan Kodovský and Jessica Fridrich, SUNY Binghamton

Steganalysis by Subtractive Pixel Adjacency Matrix
Tomáš Pevný and Patrick Bas,
INPG - Gipsa-Lab; and Jessica Fridrich, SUNY Binghamton

The Square Root Law Requires a Linear Key
Andrew Ker, Oxford University Computing Laboratory

6:30pm Banquet at the Mountain Lakes House, Princeton
Tuesday, September 8
9:00-10:00 Fingerprinting

Performance Study and Improvement on ECC-based Binary Anti-Collusion Forensic Code for Multimedia
W. Sabrina Lin, ECE Department, University of Maryland; Shan He and Jeffrey Bloom, Content Security Research Group, Thomson Corporate Research

EM decoding of Tardos traitor tracing codes
Teddy Furon, Thomson Security Lab; and Luis Pérez-Freire, Gradiant, ETSI Telecom., Lagoas Marcosende s/n

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:50 Forensics II

Detection of Seam Carving and Localization of Seam Insertions in Digital Images
Anindya Sarkar, Lakshmanan Nataraj and B. S. Manjunath, Vision Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara

Defeating Fake-Quality MP3
Rui Yang,
School of Information Science and Technology Sun Yat-sen University; Yun Q. Shi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology; and Jiwu Huang, School of Information Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University

A Pixel-Based Digital Photo Authentication Framework via Demosaicking Inter-Pixel Correlation
Cheng Jin, Dept. Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University; Na Fan, Department of Electrical Engineering, East China Normal University; Yizhen Huang, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:50 Steganography

Less detectable JPEG steganography method based on heuristic optimization and BCH syndrome coding
Vasiliy Sachnev, Hyoung Joong Kim and Rongyue Zhang, Korea University, CIST Graduate School of Information Management and

Improved Embedding Based on a Set of Cover Images
Elke Franz, Stefan Rönisch and Robert Bartel, Dresden University of Technology Institute for System Architecture

A Supraliminal Channel in a Wireless Phone Application
Scott Craver and Enping Li, Binghamton University

2:50-3:20 Coffee Break
3:20-4:30 Encryption

Entropy Codec Based on Evolutionary MHT and Its Application in Video Encryption
Yun Cao, Xianfeng Zhao and Dengguo Feng, State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Information Security Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Selective Encryption of the MC EZBC Bitstream for DRM Scenarios
Heinz Hofbauer and Andreas Uhl, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg

BLINK: Pixel-Domain Encryption for Secure Document Management
Idris Atakli, Qing Wu, Yu Chen and Scott Craver, Binghamton University