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An Economic Framework for Metric-based QoS Management

Figure 5: A Metric Based QoS Architecture

We can use the analysis discussed in the previous section to design a QoS architecture based on economic principles. Figure 5 shows this architecture which consists of users and service providers that establish and provide QoS-based transactions. The components at the service provider(SP) are: (1) Negotiation Module: that interfaces with the user to execute negotiation protocols to decide pricing and resource usage for a session. (2) Trading Module: that encodes functions to calculate trading profiles that choose trade-offs between resources at the SP to achieve the desired QoS. It is useful when generating resource requirements for a new level of QoS that may be negotiated with a user. (3) Reward Generation Module: that determines for given system conditions and resource usage, the reward to be given to the user for cooperating with the system. System conditions and user behavior are monitored by the Service Monitoring Unit.

Klara Nahrstedt
Fri Oct 3 16:05:57 CDT 1997