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Doctoral Symposium PDF Print E-mail

Call for Doctoral Symposium

The Doctoral Symposium is an opportunity for students involved in the preparation of a PhD in any area of Multimedia to interactively discuss their research issues and ideas with senior researchers, receive constructive feedback from members of the research community and expose themselves as up and coming multimedia researchers. During the Doctoral Symposium, Selected students will present their thesis topic, the work they have performed so far and the results that they have obtained. They will also reveal the difficulties, problems and questions that they encounter in the continuation of their work and can ask for comments from the audience.

Interested students should submit 2-3 page abstracts describing their research using the standard paper submission template for the conference. The abstract should be in Portable Document Format (PDF) and formatted in two-column conference style. Please see the ACM proceedings template available at Please email your proposal abstract to the Doctoral Symposium Co-chairs.

Deadline for doctoral proposal submission is June 6, 2008


For any questions regarding doctoral symposium, please email the co-chairs:

This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it        (Arizona State University)
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   (University of Tokyo)


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