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Registration PDF Print E-mail
Registration site is open now.
July 18 PDF Print E-mail
* The competition for student conference participation grant is open.
* The update on tutorials is available.
* The instructions for camera ready paper submission have been posted. 
Student Conference Participation Grant PDF Print E-mail

For the Student Conference Participation / Travel Grant there have been nearly 40 applications this year. The competition was very fierce. The awardees have been informed in the meantime. Applicants which have not be informed may assume that their application was not successful.

The ACM Multimedia conference is the main annual conference of the ACM SIGMM. It provides a great opportunity for researchers to present their work, get acquainted with the work of others, and discuss with colleagues both junior and senior. To promote this kind of interaction, the SIG and its sponsors make conference participation grants available for several students.

A grant is meant to support personal attendance of one student at the main conference by paying the advance registration fee for students as well as a ticket for the conference banquet. The grant does not cover fees for workshops or tutorials.  Students will have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation.

All students can apply, but regional and institutional diversity will be considered in the selection process. Additionally, students being the primary author of an accepted paper and to present the paper will be given preference in the selection process.

Students are encouraged to have the application sent as soon as possible. The application must be sent in ASCII in the email body no later than August 1, 2008. Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered. The notification date is August 10, 2008. Decisions made are final.

To apply for a grant, a faculty member of the student's host institution must send an email to Prof. Gary Chan ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) and Dr. Christoph Rensing ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) with the subject "ACM MM Student Conference Participation Grant 2008."

Please include the following information in an application:

  1. the student's full name and email address
  2. the name and nationality of the institution
  3. the student's academic status and expected year of graduation
  4. whether the student is (co-)author of a paper that was accepted for the main conference or if the student contributes to any other part of the conference
  5. if the student is a (co-)author, the paper title, author list, the student's contribution to the paper, and whether the student will present the paper
  6. the reason for applying for the grant, including the expected benefits that the students will have from attending the conference and the funding situation of the student
  7. a brief statement by the student about his or her current research interests and research accomplishments to date

We look forward to receiving your applications!

TPC Meeting and Multimedia Workshop PDF Print E-mail

TPC meeting and Multimedia Workshop will be held at Multimedia Communications Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, June 20-21. A website for these events has been set up. Note that the workshop is intended for TPC members only.

Please register, by May 10, 2008, for the TPC meeting (June 20), the TPC dinner (June 20), and the Multimedia Workshop (June 21) filling the form at.

TPC Meeting, TPC dinner and Multimedia Workshop are sponsored by Multimedia Communications Lab and httc. At the TPC dinner we will take the liberty to raise money for the “Förderverein Savalou/Benin”. “Förderverein Savalou/Benin” is a social society, which supports primary schools and other educational institutions in Benin, Africa.

Deadline extension PDF Print E-mail
The deadline for full paper submission has been extended to April 27, 2008 (Firm).
ACM MIR 2008 PDF Print E-mail
ACM Multimedia 2008 will be colocated with  ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval ACM MIR 2008
October 30-31, 2008 Vancouver, Canada
© 2010 ACM Multimedia 2008