News Flash
- 5 Dec 2005:
Photos for ACM MM 2005 is now available online.
- 12 Sep 2005:
The latest program is now available.
- 18 Aug 2005:
Online registration is now open.
- 12 Aug 2005:
Student conference grant support application is now open. Please apply by 29 August 2005.
- 4 Aug 2005:
Submission deadlines for Workshops are extended. Please refer to respective Workshop site for details.
- 22 July 2005:
Workshop papers due on 29 July. Follow instructions in respective Workshop site for electronic (MIR, CARPE & P2MS 2005) or E-mail submission.
- 22 July 2005:
Demo, Open Source Software, and Doctoral proposals due 29 July.
- 11 June 2005:
On-line submission site for Short Papers is ready.
- 10 June 2005:
On-line submission site for all categories of Video Program is ready. Please indicate type (demonstration, vision or short) in submission.
- 6 June 2005:
Submission deadlines for Interactive Arts program extended to June 20th.
- 18 May 2005:
The submission deadlines for FULL Papers and Interactive Art papers have been extended to 30 May 2005.
- 17 May 2005:
On-line submissions for Regular Full Papers is ready.
- 17 May 2005:
On-line submissions for Arts Program (Full Papers and Exhibits) are ready.
- 8 May 2005:
The submission site will be ready by 16 May 2005.
- 8 May 2005:
The list of Workshops can be found in the Workshop link.
- 7 May 2005:
The requirement for "Abstract Registration for Full Papers" has been removed.