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ACM Multimedia 2005 plans to include a number of day-long workshops on topics in new and emerging areas of interest to members of the multimedia research community. The workshops are scheduled to be on 10 - 11 November 2005, after the main conference.

The tentative list of scheduled workshops includes:

  1. Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR 2005) - 10-11 Nov 2005
    Organizers: HongJiang Zhang (Microsoft Research ATC), John Smith (IBM T.J. Watson Lab), Qi Tian (Univ of Texas at San Antonio)

    The content extraction, indexing, and retrieval of multimedia data continue to be one of the most challenging and fast-growing research areas. Following the success of the five previous MIR workshops held in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia Conference, the purpose of the 7th ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR 2005) is to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry. MIR2005 is calling for originals, high-quality submissions that address innovative research in the broad field of multimedia information retrieval.

    Note: This is a one and a half day workshop.


  2. Video Surveillance and Sensor Networks (VSSN 2005) - 11 Nov 2005
    Organizers: Edward Chang (UC Santa Barbara), Jake Aggarwal (Univ of Texas at Austin), Rita Cucchiara (Univ of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Yuan-Fang Wang (UC Santa Barbara)

    VSSN 2005 is the 3rd edition of the workshop organized in conjunction with ACM Conference of Multimedia. Following the strong interest of the past editions, the workshop will present new results and discuss both theoretical aspects and practical implementations of new generations of multimedia systems based on video surveillance and sensor networks technologies.


  3. Multimedia Service Composition (MSC 2005) - 11 Nov 2005
    Organizers: Wolf-Tilo Balke (Univ of Hannover), Klara Nahrstedt (UIUC)

    Service-oriented architectures promise to introduce a maximum of flexibility and reusability of components into multimedia applications. Since most multimedia applications consist of several complex steps, the composition of basic services to achieve more complex goals is a mission critical problem. The ACM MM'05 workshop on multimedia service composition provides a forum for presenting new challenges and current research results. We invite researchers, and industrial practitioners to participate and share their knowledge in this forum.


  4. Continuous Archival and Retrieval of Personal Experiences (CARPE 2005) - 11 Nov 2005
    Organizers: Jim Gemmell (Microsoft Research), Hari Sundaram (Arizona State Univ)

    Progress in storage, sensor, and computing technology has made it both feasible and affordable to capture, archive and retrieve entire lifetimes of media. This workshop brings together researchers interested in the many issues related to CARPE, including capture, storage, management, retrieval, content analysis, data mining, UI, security and privacy.


  5. Multimedia for Human Communication - From Capture to Convey (MHC 05) - 11 Nov 2005
    Organizer: Frank Nack (CWI)

    The goal of this workshop is to work towards an initial formulation of a model, namely to identify commonly carried-out tasks in media creation, manipulation and organization and consumption and to create preliminary descriptions of input and output specifications. The aim of this workshop is to establish the task set and possible paths among tasks, and gain a better understanding of the inputs and outputs for the identified tasks as well as their inner process structure.


  6. Advances in Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming (P2MS 2005) - 11 Nov 2005
    Organizers: S.-H. Gary Chan (The Hong Kong Univ of Science and Technology), Shiqiang Yang (Tsinghua Univ), Qian Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia), Jin Li (Microsoft Research Redmond)

    Workshop on Advances in Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming, addressing p2p streaming issues such as architecture design, emerging applications, technologies, quality of services, security, and deployment experiences.


Important Dates

29 Jul 2005 Submission of full papers
22 Aug 2005 Notification of acceptance
29 Aug 2005 Camera ready papers due

Submission Instructions

Please refer to the respective workshop sites for the detailed call for papers and on-line submission instructions. If you have any questions regarding the workshops, please contact the respective Workshop Chairs.

General Workshop Co-chairs

Hari Sundaram, Arizona State University:

Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research: