ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval June 11-14, 2018, Yokohama, Japan



  • Please make sure that at least one author is registered before the Author Registration deadline of April 25.
  • Please note that each accepted paper (regular/demo/workshop) needs to be covered by one Regular registration. However, a Doctoral Symposium (DS) paper can be covered by a Student registration as an exception.

Registration site

The registration fee is as follows:

 Early-bird Registration
 (by May 11th18th)
 Late Registration
 (by May 31st)
 Onsite Registration
 Regular registration  ACM/SIG Members JPY 65,000 JPY 75,000 JPY 80,000
 Non-ACM/SIG Members JPY 75,000 JPY 85,000 JPY 90,000
 Student registration JPY 25,000 JPY30,000 JPY 40,000
  1 Day registration ACM/SIG Members JPY 30,000 JPY 35,000 JPY 40,000
 Non-ACM/SIG Members JPY 35,000 JPY 40,000 JPY 45,000
 Additional Reception ticket JPY 5,000
 Additional Banquet ticket JPY 10,000

* Regular and Student Registrations include participation to the Reception.
* Regular registration includes participation to the Banquet.

Information on ICMR2018

Venue Information

Yokohama Media and Communication Center
11 Nihon-Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-0023, Japan