Questions about the video track

 Authoring information

 Video viewer

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Webmaster: Frank Nack
ACM Multimedia
Authoring Information
For those who wish to submit a video to ACM MM, please read the following instructions. More information on details, such as dates, for the video submission process can be found on the ACM Multimedia 2006 Web page

Video catergories
There are three categories:
Video demonstrations
(8 minutes) - gives a self-explanatory demo of a tool, system, or application. In addition we would like to encourage media artists to submit work that exemplifies new trends in video art or describes an interactive multimedia art application.
Video visions
(8 minutes) - describes a new brave idea of multimedia technology.
Video figures
(3 minutes) - accompanies a regular or short paper submission and serves as an illustration
Video demonstrations and video visions are presented during the video demonstration session, whereas video figures are presented together with the paper during the allocated session.

Important dates
The submission date for the video program is the 1st of June 2006. This is a firm deadline.

Video format
Videos in the categories demonstration and vision need to be accompanied with a 2 page description of the video content using the ACM template. The descriptions of the selected videos will become part of the conference proceedings.
The format for videos is MPEG-2, although we will accept other digital formats for the review process, such as MPEG1, MOV or AVI. Please note: for the final video version MPEG-2 is obligatory.

Submission instructions
  • For all categories: Prepare video for review in MPEG-2 format (preferred - other possible formats: mpeg1, mov or avi). Make the video available at a stable url. The url must be accessible at least until the 1st of October 2006.
  • Please email the link to:

  • For those submitting a video figure: send the following information to Title of paper, paper track, submission number, authors, affiliations, address, and primary contact.

  • For those submitting a video demonstration or video vision: Prepare a 2-page description (using the ACM template). Note, there is no double-blind review applied at the video track. Submit the paper to the official submission environment as indicated at the conference web page.