Online Registration


To maintain atmosphere, the Workshop is limited to 80 participants.

For this reason, the following registration procedure observed will be:

  1. All PC members are entitled to attend (register NOW!).
  2. Paper authors are entitled to attend (register NOW!).
  3. Other participants, FCFS.
Registration Fees:
Single-bed room Double Occupancy
of a Twin-bed room
IEEE or ACM-Members 68,000 Yen 64,000 Yen
Non-members 70,000 Yen 66,000 Yen

Registration fee includes:

  1. There is no discount for the registration fee, even if you do not wish accommodations at Shonan Village International Conference Center.
  2. If you wish to share a room with a certain person, please specify the name in the appreciate column of the registration form.
Application and Payment:
Applications for registration should be made by completing and sending the Registration Form to the Registration Office no later than March 20, 1996. After this date, participants from the waiting list will be solicited. All applications should be accompanied by full payment of the registration fee in Japanese YEN.

Confirmation of Registration:
Upon receiving your completed Registration Form and confirming your remittance of the registration fee, the Registration Office will send you a confirmation/receipt. The confirmation must be retained and presented at the Registration Desk to receive a conference materials.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:
Cancellation should be made in writing to the Registration Office. The amount of refund will depend on the date of cancellation as follows: Cancellation received on or before March 20, 1996 amount paid minus bank charge for the refund. Cancellation received from March 21, 1996 to April 1, 1996 amount paid minus 50 % and bank charge for the refund. Cancellation received after April 2, 1996 No refund will be made. All the refund will be made after the Conference.

Please address registration forms or inquiries to the Registration Office of NOSSDAV96.

Registration Office of NOSSDAV96
c/o International Communications Specialists, Inc.
2F, Kasho Bldg., 2-14-9 Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103, Japan

Phone: +81-3-3272-7981 Fax: +81-3-3273-2445

Online Registration Form

Title Prof. Dr. Mr. Ms.
Family Name
Given Name
Office Home
Mailing Address
City/State Zip Code
Phone Fax
Membership IEEE ACM Membership #
Status PC Member Author Other
Special needs


Room type Single Twin
Check-in April
Check-out April
Number of Room(s)
Vegetarian meals Yes No
Sharing room with (name)


Payment Method Bank Check Bank Transfer Card Cash
Card Name Visa Master Diners Amex
Card Number
Expiration Date

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