17th International workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio & Video
Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
June 4-5, 2007
17th International workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio & Video
Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
June 4-5, 2007
Author Instructions for Camera Ready Version
This page contains instructions for authors of accepted papers to NOSSDAV'07 on how to prepare and submit the camera ready versions of their papers.
Copyright form
The lead author of each paper should take the following steps to submit the ACM copyright form in order to include the paper in the NOSSDAV proceeding and the ACM digital library.- Please make sure that the title and author information on the copyright form match exactly those on the paper itself.
- Please read the copyright form instructions carefully and only sign the appropriate places (e.g., do not sign both the "government employee" and "non-government employee" part).
- Please fax the signed copyright form to +1-217-244-6869 and add "Attention: Klara Nahrstedt" on the cover page.
Formatting Information
The final version paper must strictly follow the ACM format as specified below.- Please use the ACM style file to prepare the camera ready of your paper as PDF file. Note that we only accept PDF file. Use the Option 2: LaTeX2e - Tighter Alternate style - to reduce the total number of pages.
- In your latex file, use the following settings:
\conferenceinfo{NOSSDAV}{'07 Urbana, Illinois USA}
- If you are using other publishing packages, please follow these instructions.
- The camera ready versions of your paper should not exceed 6 pages.
- Do not use page numbers in your document.
- The graphs of many submitted papers were too small to read,
especially the fonts on the axis. No graph should be smaller than a 1/3
of the textwidth.
Here are some useful tips. In gnuplot you can useset pointsize 1.5
and to increase the pointsizes, you can use
set term post eps "Helvetica" 18
Also in matlab, you can use
to increase font size (and move ticks to the outside of the axis).
How to Submit
All papers should be submitted both via EDAS and via email to (with email subject "NOSSDAV Paper Filename"). Please use the following convention to name the pdf file that you submit via email (and use in the email subject):p-<first_author_last_name>.pdfFor example: p-smith.pdf where hyphen is a separator; and "smith" is the first author's last name, no caps. Use lowercase throughout file names-DO NOT CAPITALIZE. There are rules for special names:
- a hyphenated last name remains hyphenated e.g., Wu Yen-Tse -----> yen-tse
- a compound last name takes an underscore e.g., Robert van Gulik -----> van_gulik
- accents in last names are omitted e.g., Wolfgang Schr<o with umlaut>der ------> schroder (NOT schroeder) or Jean Ren<e with acute> ------> rene (NOT renee)
- apostrophes in last names are replaced by an underscore e.g., Elizabeth O'Neill -------> o_neill
- Retain periods after abbreviated name elements e.g. Melissa St. Thomas -------> st._thomas
- Drop suffixes from file names e.g. Corbin Jones Jr. -------> jones
- Please Fax us the copyright form as soon as possible.
- Each paper should be associated with one registration at full rate by April 20 in order to be included in the proceeding.
- The camera ready version of your paper must be submitted through edas and via email by April 20.