Paper #30

Incorporating Application-Level Knowledge
into the MPEG-2 Coding Model

Ketan Mayer-Patel
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Current multimedia standards (in particular video standards) are inflexible and designed for specific applications, often without regard for heterogenous network environments like the Internet. Application-level semantics about the content and context of video information should be reflected in how video is coded and transmitted. Current standards are inflexible because interpretation and management of different elements of the video stream are implicit and intertwined. Encoded video formats can be recast into a more flexible model by separating the generation, management, and transmission of different video elements. A more flexible coding framework will allow applications to better manage network transmission of video stream elements in a manner that reflects application-level knowledge and requirements. Furthermore, the coding model can be adapted to changing network conditions. This paper specifically addresses how reference frame management in the MPEG standards can be recast into a more flexible coding model. By separating the management of reference information from the coding of specific frames, we enable the standard to be more effectively used when application-level knowledge of the video content is present. A number of interesting network strategies are enabled by the proposed revised model.
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- Last revised: Weds Jun 27 20:56:29 EDT 2000
