Paper #16
A Video Caching Proxy Server
Soam Acharya
Inktomi Corporation
Brian Smith
Cornell University
This paper describes MiddleMan, a collection of coop-erating
proxy servers connected by a local area network
(LAN). MiddleMan differs from majority of existing proxy
research in that it concentrates exclusively on video. Other
approaches are optimized for HTML documents and
MiddleMan offers several advantages. By caching videos
near clients, MiddleMan reduces start-up delays and the
possibility of adverse Internet conditions disrupting video
playback. Additionally, MiddleMan reduces server load by
intercepting a large fraction of server accesses and can easily
scale to a large number of users and web video content.
It can also be extended to provide other services such as
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- Last revised: Weds Jun 27 20:56:29 EDT 2000