As MMSys provides a unique opportunity to highlight complete systems dealing with multimedia datatypes, the 3D Technology in Multimedia targets tools and applications dedicated to 3D data. The use of 3D content is spreading: generation of 3D content benefits from fast evolving techniques (e.g. reconstruction from images), new systems (e.g. environment dedicated to motion capture), or new devices (e.g. depth camera). The 3D data (e.g. geometry, light, sound) may be virtual, reconstructed from reality, or a mix of both. For displaying and editing this 3D content, innovative solutions are being developed, and are becoming affordable. Computational power and structure of GPU is also changing, thus offering new opportunities. These tools may be used online, or remotely, possibly with concurrent access on dedicated devices, or at the opposite by anyone, anywhere –like on a light mobile device with a wireless connection.
This special session aims at giving the opportunity for communicating on new developments and systems build for 3D in MM. Brave news ideas, ambitious and pioneering work are particularly welcome. Researchers, engineers from different background like signal processing, 3D modeling, visual systems, or communication and systems developing interested in sharing work on 3D in MM will have the opportunity to get together and learn from each other.
Papers in all areas of 3D Multimedia are solicited. Innovative work presenting a technology or systems for handling 3D multimedia will be particularly appreciated. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
● Web 3D
● 3D I/O Device Management
● Streaming, broadcasting 3D content
● 3D Video
● 3D Video Quality Metrics
● 3D Multi-view Video Distribution
● NVE (Networked Virtual Environment)
● 3D Tele-immersion
● 3D games
● Interactive 3D in MM
● 3D Vision
● 3D Reconstruction
● 3D Acquisition
● 3D Display technologies
● 3D Compression
The papers will be published in the proceedings of MMSys, and authors will present their work in person at MMSys.
Submission to the special session “3D technology in Multimedia” must include new, unpublished, original material. Papers should be 6 to 12 pages in ACM proceedings style, written in English.
For submitting your paper
Best papers' authors will be encouraged to submit an extended version of their contribution to the IEEE TMM (Transaction in Multimedia) journal.