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A. Banerjea, D. Ferrari, B. Mah, M. Moran, D. Verma, and H. Zhang. The tenet real-time protocol suite: Design, implementation and experiences. IEEE Transactions on Networking, 4(1):1-10, February 1996.

R. Bettati, D. Ferrari, A. Gupta, W. Heffner, W. Howe, M. Moran, Q. Nguyen, and R. Yavatkar. Connection establishment for multi-party real-time communication. In Thomas D.C. Little and Riccardo Gusella, editors, 4th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, NOSSDAV 95 Durham, New Hampshire, USA, pages 240-250, April 1995.

Jean-Chrysostome et al Bolot. Analysis of audio packet loss on the internet. In Thomas D.C. Little and Riccardo Gusella, editors, 4th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, NOSSDAV 95 Durham, New Hampshire, USA, pages 154-165, April 1995.

Z. Chen, S. Tan, R. H. Campbell, and Yongchen Li. Real time video and audio in the world wide web. In World Wide Web Conference, Boston, MA, 1995.

Francisco Garcia, David Hutchison snd Andreas Mauthe, and Nicholas Yeadon. Qos support for distributed multimedia communications. In 1st International Conference on Distributed Platforms, Dresden, Germany, March 1996.

Tino Hutschenreuther and Sascha Kuemmel. Ina-qost - integrated network architecture for qos-based transmission in heterogeneous environments. In 4th International IFIP Workshop on Quality of Service, IwQos96 Paris, France, March 1996.

K. Kawachiya and et al. Evaluation of qos-control servers on real-time mach. In Thomas D.C. Little and Riccardo Gusella, editors, 4th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video, NOSSDAV 95 Durham, New Hampshire, USA, pages 117-128, April 1995.

E. Knightly and P. Rossaro. Effects of smoothing on end-to-end performance guarantees for vbr video. In International Symposium on Multimedia Communications and Video Coding, New York, NY, October 1995.

P. Konana, A. Gupta, and A.B. Whinston. Digital contract approach for consistent and predictable multimedia information delivery in electronic commerce. In MMNC '97, SPIE Vol. 3020, 1997.

A. Krishnamurthy, T.D.C. Little, and D. Castanon. A pricing mechanism for scalable video delivery. ACM Multimedia Systems, 4:328-337, 1996.

P. Leydekkers and V. Gay. Odp view on qos for open distributed mm environments. In 4th International IFIP Workshop on Quality of Service, IwQos96 Paris, France, pages 45-55, March 1996.

F.H.S. Lima and E.R.M. Madeira. Odp based qos specification for the multiware platform. In 4th International IFIP Workshop on Quality of Service, IwQos96 Paris, France, pages 45-55, March 1996.

M. Malhotra and M. Veeraraghavan. Position statement: Challenges in defining and evaluating qos metrics for communication services. In 4th International IFIP Workshop on Quality of Service, IwQos96 Paris, France, pages 69-72, March 1996.

R.E. McGrath. What we do and don't know about the load on the ncsa www server. In, September 1994.

Yasuhiko Miyazaki. Hierarchical client-server multimedia systems. Master's thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, December 1996.

K. Nahrstedt and J. M. Smith. The qos broker. IEEE Multimedia, 2:53-67, 1995.

K. Nahrstedt and R. Steinmetz. Resource management in networked multimedia systems. IEEE Computer, 28(5):52-65, May 1995.

Venkata N. Padmanabhan and Jeffrey C. Mogul. Improving http latency. Technical report, Digital Equipment Corporation Western Research Laboratory, 1994.

Lintian Qiao and Klara Nahrstedt. Lip synchornization within an adaptive vod system. In SPIE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMNC '97), San Jose, CA, February 1997.

Jerome Rolia and Richard Friedrich. Quality of service management for federated applications. In 4th International IFIP Workshop on Quality of Service, IwQos96 Paris, France, March 1996.

J. Sairamesh, D.F. Ferguson, and Y. Yemini. An approach to pricing, optimal allocation and quality of service provisioning in high-speed packet networks. In INFOCOMM '95, 1995.

L. C. Schreier and M. B. Davis. System-level resource management for network-based mm applications. In Thomas D.C. Little and Riccardo Gusella, editors, NOSSDAV 95, Durham, New Hampshire, USA, pages 121-125, April 1995.

Richard Staehli. Quality of Service Specification for Resource Management in Multimedia Systems. PhD thesis, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Portland, OR, January 1996.

Richard Staehli, Jonathan Walpole, and David Maier. Device and data independence for multimedia presentations. In Computing Surveys Symposium on Multimedia, 27:4, pages 640-643, December 1995.

Richard Staehli, Jonathan Walpole, and David Maier. Quality of service specifications for multimedia presentations. ACM Multimedia Systems, 3(5/6):251-263, nov 1995.

R. Steinmetz and C. Engler. Human Perception of Media Synchronization. Technical Report 43.9310, IBM European Networking Center Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 1993.

N. Venkatasubramanian and S. Ramanathan. Load management in distributed video servers. In International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 97), May 1997.

C. Vogt and R. Herrtwich, R.G. snd Nagarajan. HeiRAT: The heidelberg rsource administration technique, design philosophy and goals. In Conference on Communication in Distributed Systems, Munchen, Germany, 1992.

Klara Nahrstedt
Fri Oct 3 16:05:57 CDT 1997