ACM Multimedia 97 - Electronic Proceedings
November 8-14, 1997
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Seattle, USA
User Interface Evaluation
of a Direct Manipulation
Temporal Visual Query Language
- Stacie
- Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies
- 1000 E. Warrenville Road
- Naperville, IL 60566 USA
- Elke A. Rundensteiner
- Computer Science Department
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Road
- Worcester, MA 01609-2280 USA
Copyright Notice
As new query interfaces emerge for accessing multimedia data,
formal user studies are needed to evaluate the usability of such
interfaces. In this paper, we present results from a user interface
evaluation of our temporal visual query language (TVQL). TVQL is a
novel direct manipulation query interface for specifying temporal
relationship queries over temporal events such as video data. In our
user study, we compare TVQL to a forms-based temporal query language
(TForms). Our results indicate that while subjects took longer to
learn TVQL than TForms, they were more efficient and more accurate in
specifying temporal queries with the TVQL interface than with the
TForms interface.
Temporal visual query language, temporal query filters, dynamic
queries, user interface evaluation.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Recent advances in multimedia databases have introduced new
multimedia query languages and interfaces empowering users to access
multimedia data in novel ways such as querying images by submitting
either color and spatial specifications or sample images as search
criteria (e.g., [Smi96,
Pas96]). While the description of such systems
usually includes evaluation of their efficiency and accuracy, little
work, if any, has been done to evaluate the usability of these
new query interfaces. Formal user evaluations are needed to
demonstrate the usability of such systems--to validate not only that
the system can efficiently and accurately access multimedia
data, but that real users can use the corresponding new query
interfaces to efficiently and accurately find relevant information in
multimedia data sets.
Our MultiMedia Visual Information Seeking (MMVIS) environment
represents a new visual paradigm for the temporal trend analysis of
video data [Hib97a,
Hib96a]. In MMVIS, we provide a direct
manipulation interface enabling users to dynamically browse through
temporal relationships between user-specified subsets of video events
stored in a database. This interactive browsing is supported by
tightly coupling specialized temporal query filters (referred to as
TVQL, our temporal visual query language--see
[Hib96b] and summary in Section 2.1) with a
dynamically updated temporal visualization (TViz) of results.
Consider the case where HCI researchers collect CSCW video data to
analyze the process flow of a design meeting between three subjects
("Cindy," "Ron," and "Greg") collaborating from remote sites
[Ols95]. The data is coded to indicate when each
person speaks as well as to characterize the design activity based on
the design rationale (DR) of what is being said (e.g., to indicate
when alternatives, digressions, etc., take place in the meeting).
Researchers could select two subsets within MMVIS such as: A) person
talking events and B) design activities. They could then
explore various relationships between members of these subsets
using TVQL. As they manipulate the temporal query filters, TViz is
dynamically updated to visually present the query results by
indicating the strength of the temporal relationship specified
through TVQL (see [Hib97b,
Hib96a]). For example, they could use TVQL to
investigate temporal trends such as who starts talking at the same
time as each of the design activities, who starts talking before or
at the same time as each design activity but does not stop speaking
until after the given activity starts (i.e., who "initiates" them),
Previously, we have demonstrated the utility of MMVIS through a
case study applying it to real CSCW video data such as the design
meeting described above [Hib97b]. We have
recently completed two user interface studies on MMVIS--one
evaluating the usability of TVQL and the other on the effectiveness
of the fully integrated MMVIS environment
[Hib97a]. In this paper, we describe the
results of our first user interface study on evaluating TVQL.
In the TVQL user study, we compare and contrast the users' ability
to specify and interpret various types of temporal queries using TVQL
versus a forms-based temporal query language (TForms). The study
shows that while users spent more time learning TVQL than TForms,
they were also able to specify temporal queries more efficiently
(significantly more efficiently for incremental temporal queries) and
more accurately with TVQL than with TForms. While TVQL is designed to
be part of our integrated MMVIS environment, it is a general
interface for specifying temporal relationship queries that could be
applied to temporal data other than video (e.g., logfiles or stock
exchange data) as well as incorporated into other database frameworks
of temporal data.
This paper is divided into six additional sections. In the next
section, we provide some background on temporal relationship queries
and describe the two query interfaces being compared--our temporal
visual query language (TVQL) and a forms-based temporal query
language (TForms) interface. In Section 3, we describe the
experimental design of the study, presenting the number and types of
participants, the overall design, the procedure and materials, and
the types of data collected. In Section 4, we then summarize our
experimental results and in Section 5, we discuss the implications
for changing the TVQL interface based on these results. In Section 6,
we present some related work and finally, we provide conclusions in
Section 7.
2. Temporal Query Interfaces Compared
2.1 Temporal relationship queries
Given two events A1 () and B1 () with nonzero duration, there are
thirteen possible primitive temporal relationships between them such
as: before, meets, during, starts, overlaps, etc.
[All83]. Although there are four pairwise
relationships between temporal starting and ending points of the
events (e.g., start A1 - start B1), only one to three of these
relationships are required to define any one of the thirteen temporal
primitives (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Relationships between temporal primitives and the
four defining endpoint difference relations.
A general temporal query language should be able to specify any
one of these primitives. In addition, it is also desirable to specify
combinations of the primitives (e.g., to see how often events start
at the same time but may end at different times, corresponding to
combining the starts, equals, and started by
primitives). Rather than making arbitrary combinations of such
relationships, users may wish to query over similar primitives
(i.e., temporal neighborhoods [Fre92],
equivalent to selecting a series of adjacent cells such as a row,
column, or grid from Figure 1).
A set or combination of temporal relationships between two events
forms a temporal neighborhood [Fre92] if
it consists of relations that are path-connectable conceptual
neighbors. Two primitive temporal relationships between two events
are conceptual neighbors if a continuous change to the events
(e.g., shortening, lengthening, or moving the duration of the events)
can be used to transform either relation to the other (without
passing through an additional primitive temporal relationship)
[Fre92]. Thus, the before () and meets () relations are neighbors,
because we can move the ending point of A from before the start of B
to B's start without specifying any additional primitive
relationship. On the other hand, the before () and overlaps () relations are not neighbors.
2.2 TVQL: Temporal Visual Query Language
While a formal specification of our temporal visual query language
(TVQL) can be found elsewhere [Hib96b], we
review its basic design principles here. In order to define a
temporal query interface capable of specifying any individual
primitive temporal relationship, we designed TVQL to be a collection
of four temporal query filters--one filter for each of the defining
endpoint difference relationships (see Figure 1). More importantly,
this design also allows us to capture temporal neighborhoods
(see Section 2.1). In this way, not only can users browse for
temporal relationships between two subsets, but they can browse in a
temporally continuous manner. More specifically, TVQL provides
a direct manipulation interface where users can explore within and
between primitives as well as within and between temporal
neighborhoods through simple mouse manipulations. Figure 2 presents
our TVQL [Hib97a,
Hib96b]. As in the standard double-thumbed
slider query filters [Ahl94], the thumbs are
manipulated to select the endpoints of a range, and a filled or open
arrow thumb indicates when the endpoint of a range is included or
excluded respectively.
Figure 2. TVQL palette. This query specifies all events of
type A that start at the same time as events of type B (and may end
before, after, or at the same time as B events).
Similar to standard dynamic query (DQ) filters
[Ahl94], our temporal DQ filters are bound to
one another to prevent the specification of invalid queries. As users
adjust one query filter, the other filters are automatically updated
accordingly. In the case of Figure 2, the user only has to set the
left and right filter thumbs of the top startA-startB query filter to
0. The bottom two filters are automatically constrained as indicated.
To enhance the TVQL user interface, we have incorporated
qualitative descriptive labels along the top and side and our dynamic
temporal diagrams along the bottom of the palette. The labels allow
users to "read" the relationship specified and the diagrams provide
visual confirmation of the temporal primitive(s) specified (though
not quantitative values as given by the filters). If subset A
specified person P1 and subset B specified all Plan design
rationales, then Figure 2 illustrates how users could ask the query
"show me how often person P1 starts at the same time as a Plan
starts." The descriptive labels can be used to "read" the top query
filter as "start A equals start B." The relationship between the
temporal ending points is unconstrained as indicated by the selection
of all values in the second (i.e., endA-endB) query filter. This is
also reflected in the temporal diagram, which indicates that the end
of A (represented by a filled circle) can be before, equal to, or
after the end of B.
The benefit of this direct manipulation design is that it supports
specifying particular queries as well as browsing for
temporal trend discovery. That is, users can simply drag DQ thumbs
with no particular query in mind and when an interesting
visualization appears, they can look at the temporal diagram to see
which temporal query was specified.
2.3 TForms: A Forms-Based Temporal Query Language
While many researchers are working in the area of temporal query
languages (e.g., [Ses94,
Sno95]), they have focused more on
text-based approaches rather than visual or forms-based ones.
These existing text-based temporal query languages provide users with
the power to specify a larger range of queries than TVQL (see
[Hib97a]), but they also require users to learn
the syntax and semantics of the query language as well as to type the
queries in by hand. Although the goal of the TVQL user study was to
compare TVQL to an existing temporal query language, we did not want
to unfairly handicap non-TVQL subjects with extra typing and
memorization burdens. We thus chose to provide them with a
forms-based temporal query language that is based on a
text-based one. In this section, we describe this forms-based
temporal query language which we refer to as TForms.
The basic syntax of a TForms query is based on a subset of the
syntax for the temporal query language TQuel
[Sno87] that allows users to specify the same
types of queries that are possible with TVQL. Figure 3 presents a
sample TForms query that specifies the starts temporal query.
Figure 3. Sample TForms query used to specify the
starts temporal query.
The buttons along the left side of TForms allow users to
add a temporal query predicate (i.e., to include an additional
temporal constraint per line) to their query via conjunction
(AND) or disjunction (OR), or to remove a temporal
predicate by selecting the NONE button at the left of the
corresponding line. Parentheses allow users to group lines of
their query together. Users can click the left mouse button directly
on a parenthesis to toggle it on and off. The first part of
each line of the query--up to and including "Event B"--specifies the
qualitative relationship between temporal endpoints. Users
specify this first part of a query predicate (e.g., query line 1 in
Figure 3) by selecting a value from each of the three drop-down
boxes. The second part of each line allows users to specify
quantitative ranges, if necessary. Users can toggle the
quantitative option on and off by clicking on the "by..."
checkbox button. This quantitative option is only available when the
relationship of the second drop-down box of the line is not
set to "equals." Figures 6 and 7 include examples of TForms that use
a quantitative option.
3. Experimental Method
3.1 Participants
Twenty undergraduate and graduate students (fifteen male and five
female) participated in the study. The study was advertised through
the student newspaper, flyer postings, and electronic mailing lists.
Subjects were selected based on their expertise and experience in
either video analysis (VA) or databases (DB). They were paid ten
dollars an hour for a maximum of thirty dollars. All subjects had at
least five years of computer experience and were familiar with the
Macintosh and/or Windows operating systems.
3.2 Design
A 2x2 between subjects, counterbalanced design was used to compare
the two interfaces (TVQL versus TForms) for each type of subject (DB
versus VA). The type of the interface used was alternately assigned
to each subject within each group. Thus, subjects were placed in one
of four groups, depending on which interface they used and what type
of expertise they had: TVQL-VA, TVQL-DB, TForms-VA, and TForms-DB
(see Table 1).
Table 1. Description of the four user groups.
Interface Tested
Subject's Expertise
Video Analysis
Group TForms-VA
Group TForms-DB
Subjects in each group performed all tasks for the given user
interface used, with the only constraint being the maximum time limit
of three hours.
3.3 Procedure and materials
At the start of each testing session, subjects were asked to
complete background information and consent forms. Then, for each
interface--TVQL and TForms, there were four primary parts:
- Part I. Training Session where users were presented
with computerized training materials,
- Part II. Query Interpretation section where users were
presented with a series of multiple choice queries for which they
had to select the best English text query that matched a query
specified in the given query interface,
- Part III. Query Specification section where users
specified a series of temporal queries in the given interface, and
- Part IV. Post Questionnaire on User Satisfaction which
was essentially a slightly shortened version of the Generic User
Interface Questionnaire (also referred to as QUIS), version 5.0
[Chi88] consisting of twenty-three questions.
In Part I, the online training materials consisted of 12
information screens for the TForms interface and 16 screens for the
TVQL interface. The training materials for each interface followed
the same outline, beginning with an introduction and scenario,
providing some background on temporal queries and the different types
of temporal relationships (primitive, neighborhood and disjunctive),
describing the interface and how to use it, providing some hands-on
practice time, and presenting a series of examples. Subjects were
allowed to go back and forth through the screens of the training
Part II, the query interpretation section, was not only used as a
test of the users' understanding of the given interface, but also as
a prerequisite to the query specification section (Part III). When
answering the multiple choice questions, subjects clicked on the
letter corresponding to their answer and then clicked on a "Check
Answer" button to receive immediate feedback on the accuracy of their
answers. In order to better test whether subjects really were able to
correctly interpret a query (versus correctly answering the multiple
choice question by guessing), we required subjects to correctly
answer each question twice. In the TVQL interface, users had two
types of interpretation tasks--one to test their interpretation of
temporal diagrams (Figure 4), and one to test their interpretation of
TVQL queries (Figure 5).
Figure 4. Sample multiple choice question for interpreting
temporal diagrams.
Figure 5. Sample multiple choice question for interpreting
a TVQL query.
As temporal diagrams are not part of the TForms interface,
subjects only had to interpret TForms queries during the query
interpretation section (Part II). A sample query interpretation
question for the TForms interface is presented in Figure 6.
In the temporal diagram query interpretation task of Part II for
TVQL subjects, two types of temporal queries were tested--temporal
primitive queries and temporal neighborhood queries. In
the TVQL and TForms query interpretation tasks, disjunctive
temporal queries were tested in addition to temporal primitive and
neighborhood types of queries. (Since the temporal diagrams of a
disjunctive query are a combination of primitive and neighborhood
queries, they were not tested during the temporal diagram
interpretation task.)
Figure 6. Sample multiple choice question for interpreting
a TForms query.
All questions in Part II were grouped by query type (i.e., by
temporal primitive, neighborhood, or disjunction). Each group of
questions was randomly presented to the subjects once, then randomly
presented in a different order a second time, and then followed by
any questions that the subjects incorrectly answered. The multiple
choice answers were randomly presented to the users so as to
discourage them from memorizing only the letter of the correct
answer. Table 2 summarizes the minimum number (i.e., when users do
not make any errors answering the multiple choice questions) and type
of temporal query interpretation questions included in Part II for
each interface. Note that TVQL subjects answered the 30 temporal
diagram interpretation questions followed by the 32 TVQL
interpretation questions (62 questions total) while the TForms
subjects only answered the 32 TForms interpretation questions.
Table 2. Minimum number and type of temporal query
interpretation questions included in Part II.
UI Tested
# of Primitive Queries
# of Neighborhood Queries
# of Disjunctive Queries
Total # of Queries
Temporal Diagrams
During query specification (Part III), subjects specified the same
three types of temporal queries that were tested in Part II (i.e.,
temporal primitive, neighborhood, and disjunctive temporal queries)
as well as an additional group of incremental queries (i.e., a
series of queries representing temporal browsing). Two sequences of
incremental queries, presented in the same order to all subjects,
were included for both interfaces. In each sequence of incremental
queries, users specified the first query in the sequence from scratch
and then specified each subsequent query by starting from the
previously specified query.
Figure 7. Sample isomorphic TVQL and TForms queries.
The TVQL and TForms queries were isomorphic so that equivalent,
though not identical, queries were specified in each interface (see
Figure 7). In both interfaces, some of the queries to be specified in
Part III were exact repetitions of those interpreted in Part II
thereby testing users on both familiar and new queries. The number
and type of queries specified during Part III for each interface is
summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Summary of the number and type of temporal queries
specified in Part III (Rep=Repeated queries).
UI Tested
# of Primitive Queries
# of Neighborhood Queries
# of Disjunctive Queries
# of Incr. Qs
Total # of Qs
At the end of the testing session, the same post-questionnaire
survey, based on twenty-three questions of QUIS
[Chi88], was provided for each interface.
Finally, a brief informal interview was conducted to clarify or add
to any comments on the post-questionnaires and to allow subjects to
ask any other questions regarding the study.
Hardware and Software Setup. All computerized materials,
including the training modules and both user interfaces, were
developed in Asymetrix Multimedia ToolBook 3.0. The testing
sessions were conducted on Dell Pentium 90 (90 MHz Pentium) desktop
machines equipped with 17-inch SuperVGA monitors and running
Microsoft Windows NT.
3.4 Types of data collected
We collected several types of data during user testing, including:
background questionnaires, logfiles, observational data,
post-questionnaires on user satisfaction, and informal
post-interviews. The background questionnaires were used to gather
information on subjects' educational background, knowledge and use of
computers, and experience with databases and video analysis. The
logfiles recorded the time spent on training and testing materials as
well as the answers given during testing. The post-questionnaires
included 23 of the 26 rating scales from QUIS version 5.0
[Chi88] on overall reaction, learning, features
of the screen, system terminology, and system capabilities (3 of the
26 ratings were excluded since they were not applicable). In
addition, the post-questionnaires contained open-ended questions and
were used to collect information on what subjects liked or disliked
about the system, what they thought was easy or difficult about the
interface, and any final comments they had about the system such as
specific suggestions for improving the interface. Finally, the
informal post-interviews were conducted to clarify subjects' comments
on the post-questionnaires, allow them to provide any additional
comments, and give them an opportunity to ask any questions about the
4. Results and Discussion
We compare TVQL to TForms for both the video analysis (VA) and
database (DB) subjects based on three criteria: efficiency, accuracy,
and user satisfaction. We thus divide the presentation and discussion
of our results based on these criteria.
4.1 Efficiency evaluation
We evaluate the efficiency of the interfaces by comparing and
contrasting the times taken by each group of subjects to complete
each of the first three parts of the study, including time taken to:
1) review training materials, 2) interpret temporal queries through
the online multiple choice test(s), and 3) specify temporal queries.
The first two columns of numbers in Table 4 summarize the average
times in minutes that subjects in each interface group used to
complete their assigned tasks in Parts I to III. In analyzing task
times, we found no significant differences between the VA and DB
subjects within each type of interface and thus grouped these
subjects by interface. The final column of the table summarizes the
differences in times between the same types of subjects using the two
types of interfaces, where a positive difference indicates the
percent more time required by TVQL over TForms and a
negative difference indicates the percent less time
required by TVQL. An asterisk (*) is used to indicate significant
differences (p < 0.05) based on a Scheffe post-hoc analysis.
Recall that during the query interpretation part of the study,
TVQL subjects had to answer a series of questions on interpreting
temporal diagrams as well as those on interpreting TVQL queries
(e.g., Figures 4 and 5). Referring back to Table 2, we see that the
temporal diagram interpretation task thus required TVQL subjects to
answer a minimum of thirty questions more--almost double the number
of questions--than the TForms subjects during the query
interpretation part of the study. Thus, in Table 4, we provide two
summaries to compare average times for the total time spent on Part
II (query interpretation) for each interface--one for comparing the
average combined times on temporal diagram (TD) and TVQL multiple
choice tests to the average times spent on the TForms multiple choice
test, and one for comparing a summary of average multiple choice test
times for TVQL only to TForms.
Table 4. Average total task times (in minutes).
(TD=Temporal Diagram; *=statistically
significant (p < 0.05) for Scheffe post-hoc analysis)
(time in min.)
(time in min.)
(% diff.)
Part I. Training Time
* 73.1 %
Part II. Query Interpretation
(TForms only)
28.4 %
27.7 %
-31.5 %
17.0 %
(TVQL only)
(TForms only)
-46.6 %
-43.8 %
-31.5 %
* -42.8 %
Part III. Query Specification
-8.5 %
-18.7 %
-2.2 %
* -50.4 %
-20.5 %
Using Table 4 to compare TVQL to TForms on average task times, we
see that:
- TVQL subjects spent significantly more time on training
materials than TForms subjects (73.1% more time),
- the differences between the total query interpretation times
(i.e., times for TD + TVQL versus TForms multiple choice
questions) spent during Part II are not statistically
- TVQL subjects spent significantly less time (42.8% less time)
than TForms subjects on the same number and types of query
interpretation questions (i.e., Part II, TVQL only versus TForms
only task times), and
- TVQL subjects spent significantly less time (50.4% less time)
than TForms subjects when specifying incremental queries during
Part III.
These results indicate that although TVQL subjects spent more time
learning TVQL than TForms subjects spent learning TForms, the TVQL
subjects were able to use TVQL more efficiently than the TForms
interface in interpreting all types of queries and in specifying
incremental queries. The largest efficiency advantage of TVQL over
TForms is in specifying incremental queries, where TVQL
subjects took about half the time of TForms subjects to specify these
types of queries. TVQL was especially designed to handle such
incremental queries and we thus expected TVQL subjects to perform
better on these types of queries than TForms subjects. The results
confirmed our expectations and showed that TVQL provides a major
efficiency gain over TForms for such incremental queries.
The longer training time required for TVQL over TForms could be a
reflection of the complexity of TVQL and/or potential problems with
the training materials. We expect the learning time to decrease as we
iterate on improving the TVQL interface and training materials and
plan to continue evaluating TVQL training time in the future.
4.2 Accuracy evaluation
In this section, we compare TVQL subjects to TForms subjects in
terms of accuracy. We grouped the results of VA and DB subjects by
interface, based on a Scheffe post-hoc analysis that revealed no
significant differences between VA and DB subjects within each
interface. Table 5 summarizes the average number of errors made by
each interface group for each part of the query interpretation (Part
II--multiple choice) task. No significant differences were found
between TVQL and TForms subjects. The table shows that all subjects
made an average of less than three errors (out of a minimum total of
30 questions). Thus, subjects were able to use their given interface
to interpret temporal queries with fairly high accuracy.
Table 5. Average number of errors in multiple choice (Part
II--query interpretation) task.
Multiple Choice
Temporal diagrams
In evaluating subjects' accuracy during query specification (Part
III), we characterized each user query according to the following
coding scheme:
- correct: query that was correctly specified.
- qualCorrect: query that was qualitatively
correct (e.g., was the same temporal primitive) but not
quantitatively correct.
- partCorrect: query that is not qualCorrect nor a
neighbor when compared to the actual correct query, but for
which part of the query has been correctly specified.
- neighbor: query that represents a temporal "neighbor"
to the actual answer (e.g., specifying the before
relationship instead of the meets relationship).
- reverse: query that is the reverse or symmetric query
to the actual answer (e.g., specifying the meets
relationship instead of the met by relationship).
- syntaxError: code for TForms subjects only. An
incorrect query that is not qualCorrect nor a
neighbor compared to the actual answer. A
syntaxError is based on missing or incorrect syntax (e.g.,
missing parenthesis, use of OR rather than AND, etc.).
- incorrect: query incorrectly specified that does not
match any of the above codings.
- none: no query specified.
The bar chart in Figure 8 compares the answer accuracy of subjects
using TVQL to those using TForms, based on the above coding scheme.
Again, no significant differences were found between the VA and DB
subjects within each interface, so these subjects were grouped
together by interface. A Scheffe post-hoc analysis showed that the
differences in accuracy between TVQL and TForms subjects were
significant (p < 0.05) for qualCorrect, partCorrect, and neighbor
answers. That is, TVQL subjects specified a significantly larger
number of queries that were qualCorrect than TForms subjects, while
TForms subjects specified a significantly larger number of queries
that were evaluated to be partCorrect or neighbor than TVQL subjects.
Figure 8. Comparison of average answer accuracy (in %) and
standard error bars for TVQL versus TForms subjects.
Overall, TVQL subjects reached an average correct + qualCorrect
accuracy of almost 90 percent. A Scheffe post-hoc analysis also
revealed that the difference between TVQL and TForms subjects on
correct + qualCorrect accuracy is significantly in favor of TVQL (p
< 0.05). The advantage of TVQL over TForms for specifying a query
with qualCorrect accuracy (i.e., specifying the query
qualitatively correctly) indicates that TVQL subjects were
able to successfully use the temporal diagrams as feedback to their
specified query.
Comparing all types of errors made by TForms subjects, we see that
the top three types of errors made by TForms subjects were
neighbor, syntaxError, and partCorrect. The
range and quantity of errors without visual feedback during query
specification supports the use of visual feedback (e.g., a temporal
diagram) as an aid to query specification accuracy.
4.3 User satisfaction evaluation
QUIS version 5.0 [Chi88] organizes user
satisfaction ratings into five categories: overall reaction,
learning, screen, terminology, and system capabilities. Since our
post-questionnaires are essentially a slightly shortened version of
QUIS, we thus use these categories to compare and contrast user
satisfaction ratings for TVQL and TForms.
Table 6 summarizes the average ratings of the TVQL and TForms
interfaces based on a five-point scale. Again, no significant
differences between DB and VA subjects were found within each
interface and subject ratings were thus grouped by interface. A
post-hoc Scheffe analysis indicated no significant differences for
user satisfaction ratings between TVQL and TForms subjects. The
largest difference between the interfaces is in the category of
learning and is in favor of TForms. This again indicates the need to
decrease the learning curve for TVQL.
Table 6. Average user satisfaction ratings per QUIS
category and for QUIS total, based on a five point scale.
Overall Reaction
System Capabilities
QUIS Total Average
5. Proposed Changes to TVQL
TVQL subjects had three salient comments and reactions to the
interface which they expressed in both the post-questionnaires and
during the informal post interviews:
- they liked and understood the temporal diagrams,
- they had a hard time deciding which temporal query filter to
manipulate, even though they knew the temporal diagram they wanted
to ultimately obtain, and
- they wanted to manipulate the temporal diagram directly.
The advantage of the temporal diagram is that it provides a
compact, visual, qualitative representation of the temporal
query specified. The difficulty and danger in pushing the
quantitative values from the query filters directly down to
the temporal diagram is that the diagram could become more cluttered,
more complex, and potentially less helpful. Thus, rather than attempt
to make radical changes to the TVQL interface, we propose a set of
smaller changes to provide users with better starting points of
Figure 9 shows the new TVQL interface that we propose and have
incorporated into MMVIS for the second user study (see
[Hib97a]). In this new interface, we made two
types of enhancements--we added color to the sliders to help users
determine which query filter to manipulate and we provided shortcuts
to key positions of the query filters and temporal diagram. In terms
of color enhancement, since startA is represented by a
white circle in the temporal diagram, we emphasized the two
query filters related to startA (i.e., the top startA-startB
query filter and the bottom startA-endB query filter) by coloring the
corresponding labels, outlining the corresponding filters, and
filling the range between the filter thumbs of the corresponding
filters with the color white. Now, rather than having a 25 percent
chance of selecting the desired query filter to manipulate, users
have a 50 percent chance (provided that they know which circle of the
temporal diagram they want to attempt to move).
Figure 9. New TVQL interface with color and shortcut
We added shortcuts to the "0" or "equals" position of the temporal
query filters and corresponding shortcuts to the temporal diagram.
Each of the four temporal query filters has one "0" shortcut below
it, and a corresponding "0" shortcut in the temporal diagram. More
specifically, the top left white "0" above the temporal diagram
corresponds to the "0" below the top startA-startB query filter, the
top right white "0" of the diagram corresponds to the "0" below the
bottom startA-endB query filter, the bottom left black "0" below the
diagram corresponds to the third endA-startB filter, and finally, the
bottom right black "0" below the diagram corresponds to the "0" below
the endA-endB filter.
The "0" shortcuts below the query filters allow users to set the
left thumb of the corresponding filter to zero with a left click on
the "0" marker below the filter and to set the right thumb to zero
with a right click on the "0" marker. Left or right clicking on a "0"
in the temporal diagram has a one-to-one correspondence to left or
right clicking the "0" of its corresponding query filter. Clicking on
a "0" in the temporal diagram also has the visual effect of moving
all circles of the same color as the "0" in towards the "0"
marker--where a left click brings circles to the left of the marker
in and a right click brings circles to the right of the marker in
towards it. Thus, a right-click on the top left white "0" above the
temporal diagram in Figure 9 is equivalent to a right-click on the
"0" marker of the top startA-startB query filter. Such a right-click
would move the right thumb of the startA-startB filter to the "0"
position and would be visually reflected in the temporal diagram by
bringing all white circles in the temporal diagram to the right of
that top left "0" marker in to the point below it (i.e., it would
hide the startA position that appears after or to the right of
startB). The result of such a right click is depicted in Figure 10.
These shortcuts provide mechanisms for users to "zoom" endpoints in
towards a desired position.
Figure 10. State of TVQL after subject uses a right-click
on the first white zero above temporal diagram in Figure 9.
6. Related Work
TVQL and MMVIS represent unique extensions to dynamic query
filters and visual information seeking (VIS,
[Ahl94]) for the purpose of temporal trend
analysis of video data. Previous studies evaluating VIS and dynamic
query interfaces based on applications of the VIS paradigm to
chemistry data (periodic table of the elements
[Ahl92]) and real estate data
[Wil92] have demonstrated the power of this
direct manipulation approach for various query tasks ranging from
finding a particular data item to searching for data trends and
exceptions to trends.
In the VIS user study over chemistry data, Ahlberg et al
[Ahl92] compared the use of a dynamic queries
interface to a forms-based query language with a visualization of
results (FG) and a forms-based query language with textual output
(FT), in a within-subjects design. Their overall results showed that
on average, subjects were significantly faster at query tasks when
using the dynamic queries interface over the FG (p < 0.005) and FT
interfaces (p < 0.001). They also showed that subjects made fewer
errors using the dynamic queries interface than when using the FG or
FT interfaces.
When comparing a dynamic queries interface to natural language and
paper-based interfaces in a real-estate example, researchers also
found results supporting the VIS paradigm over alternative query
interfaces [Wil92]. Their results show subjects
were significantly more efficient in using the dynamic query
interface for four out of five query tasks (p < 0.005). They also
show that subjects gave the dynamic queries interface a significantly
higher rating in a user satisfaction post questionnaire (p <
Catarci and Santucci [Cat95] present another
user study evaluating a direct manipulation query interface that also
demonstrates advantages of a visual query language over a text-based
query interface. In their study, they compare QBD*, a diagrammatic
query language based on a conceptual data model to SQL, a traditional
textual query language. In this study, their overall results show
that naive and intermediate users were significantly more accurate
when using QBD* over SQL (p < 0.05) and that intermediate and
expert users were significantly more efficient (i.e., had a
significantly lower completion time) in specifying queries using QBD*
than SQL (p < 0.05).
7. Conclusion
In this paper, we used four criteria to compare and contrast the
usability of TVQL to a forms-based temporal query language (TForms):
learning time, efficiency and accuracy in specifying temporal
queries, and user satisfaction ratings. We compared the interfaces in
a 2x2 between subjects experimental design and found no significant
differences between the two types of subjects who participated in the
study (i.e., video analysis (VA) and database (DB) subjects) for any
of the criteria tested. We thus grouped the two types of subjects
together and focused our evaluation on comparing the TVQL and TForms
interfaces, independent of the subjects' expertise.
Our results showed that while TVQL subjects spent more time on
training materials and thought that TVQL was relatively difficult to
learn, they also scored better in efficiency and accuracy than TForms
subjects. More specifically, TVQL subjects were greater than 40
percent more efficient than TForms subjects in answering the same
number and type of questions during query interpretation. TVQL
subjects were also more than 50 percent faster than TForms subjects
in specifying incremental temporal queries. In terms of accuracy,
TVQL subjects reached almost 90 percent accuracy in specifying
queries correctly or qualitatively correctly (i.e., average of
correct + qualCorrect queries specified), a significantly larger
number than that of the TForms subjects.
We proposed to enhance TVQL with additional color aids and
shortcuts available directly on the query filters and temporal
diagram. These changes were based on users' comments on the use of
the temporal diagrams and query filters. The new TVQL was integrated
into the full MMVIS environment before a second user interface study
was conducted on MMVIS [Hib97a].
While TVQL is part of our integrated MMVIS environment designed
for the temporal trend analysis of video data, we re-emphasize that
it is a general interface for specifying temporal relationship
queries that can be applied to temporal data other than video as well
as incorporated into other database frameworks of temporal data. The
results of this user interface study are thus not only relevant to
our MMVIS environment, but also to other applications requiring a
temporal query interface for investigating temporal relationship
queries or temporally browsing data in search of data trends.
End Notes
*This work was completed while the
author was at the University of Michigan.
This work was supported in part by a University of Michigan
Rackham Thesis Grant.
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