Video Program

Call for Video Submissions

 Most of the ideas we get to know at the ACM MM deal with analyzing and using domains and documents consisting of different kinds of media and modalities. Yet, we present most of them in paper-form. So let's practice what we preach and consider presenting your idea as a self-made video of up to 15 minutes in MPEG format.

We encourage authors to submit videos...
- showing creative applications or MM-arts in new contexts
- merging augmented reality and real world entities
- showing the use of multiple cameras, camera-arrays or video-sensor networks

At the presentation, the principal author should introduce the audience shortly to the presented idea. The actual display of the videos will be prepared by the committee.

The author is encouraged to submit her contribution digitally. Therefore, please make the submission available for download under a stable URL. In order not to run into technical difficulties, we strongly recommend to submit 1-2 days prior to the actual deadline. Sending a storage medium via traditional mail is another option. The date of the postmark will count as date of submission.

Prepare an informal cover sheet with title, authors (indicate principal author), affiliations, address, and primary contact or include this information in your e-mail when submitting digitally. Authors of accepted submissions will be required to sign copyright to the ACM. Do not attach a video-file to your mail but provide an URL for download.

Key Dates

June 6, 2008
Submission deadline
June 27, 2008Notification of acceptance
August 1, 2008Final camera ready version



The accompanying paper following the usual ACM proceedings style should be sent to


This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it (University of Mannheim, Germany)

or in case of snail mail to the -

University of Mannheim
Dr. Thomas Haenselmann
A5, 6
68159 Mannheim