ACM Multimedia 2004
Conference Poster
Conference Committee
Technical Program Committee

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Interactive Art Program
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Click here for the press release for the art program.

ACM Multimedia 2004 is the premier annual multimedia conference, covering all aspects of multimedia computing. With this year's new ACM MM Interactive Art Program we wish to bring together the arts and multimedia communities to create the stage to explore, discuss, and push the limits for the advancement of both multimedia technology through the arts, and the arts through multimedia technology

The Interactive Art Program will consist of two technical tracks and an exhibition.

Papers accepted to the tools tracks will be presented at the conference and published in the conference proceedings.

We invite researchers in technical areas and artists working with digital media to submit their original contributions to the following tracks:

Tools for creating multimedia art: performance, immersive, narrative, multi-modal, networked art, etc. The emphasis is on novel technical tools developed specifically for the creation of multimedia art in any form. We particularly encourage submission of tools in new and emerging areas.

Tools developed by artists in the creation of multimedia art works: will describe the process and technical details of the creation of artistic works that have required either the development of new multimedia tools, or novel uses of currently available multimedia tools. Artists that develop their own tools are strongly encouraged to submit their work to this track.

Multimedia art exhibition: "Digital Boundaries: Multiculturalism, Identity, and Awareness". We seek art works that, using multimedia, explore issues of cultural identity, cultural awareness, and the boundaries created or enforced through the use of multimedia technology. The emphasis for the exhibition is on interactive art works that realize powerful artistic concepts using multimedia content and technologies.

Awards will be given to submissions in all three tracks, placing particular emphasis on the most innovative use of multimedia technology.

Short papers will be presented in poster format and are an opportunity for authors to present new work and ideas in an interactive setting.

Click here for Interactive Art Program Poster.

Click here for the Exhibition Poster.

Submission Information

All submissions must be performed using the on-line system available now at:

The submission process for the tools tracks is different from the submission process for the exhibition. Please note that submissions to the tools tracks will undergo a "double blind" review process- the authors do not know the identity of the program committee members and referees who review the paper, nor do the program committee members and referees know the identity of the authors. Please follow the links below for detailed submission information for the tools tracks and the exhibition.

Papers submitted to the tools tracks can be either eight page full papers or four page short papers. Art exhibition submissions should consist of a one to two page statement that includes artistic motivation, project description, and technical details. A project information sheet stating stage of completion of the work and installation requirements, as well as supporting material should be included (web-links and copies of CDs/DVDs only if on-line submission is not possible). Do not send original materials. Please see the exhibition page for details on submission to the exhibition.

All papers must be submitted using the ACM template. Click here for a link to standard ACM template. Detailed instructions for short and long papers for the tools tracks are available here.


All papers selected will be part of the conference and will therefore be published in the ACM Multimedia Conference proceedings. This includes long and short papers as well as papers selected for the exhibition. Authors are responsible for obtaining all of the necessary permissions to publish their works.

Selection Process

Please read carefully before you submit. This section will help you decide which track is best for your work.

All submissions will be refereed by a committee on the basis of technical quality, relevance, originality, significance, soundness and clarity.

Tools for creating multimedia art: papers submitted to this track will be reviewed by a Technical Program Committee and judged by the same standards as regular ACM Multimedia submissions. The emphasis will be on technical contribution (novelty), and on how the tool presented is useful for artists. There are no theme restrictions for this track.

Tools developed by artists in the creation of multimedia artworks: papers submitted to this track will also be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. While technical quality is also important in this track, the emphasis will be on the artistic process and issues related to the use of multimedia technology to develop artistic concepts. There are no theme restrictions for this track.

Exhibition: papers will be reviewed by the Technical Committee for technical correctness and quality. They will also be judged by the Exhibition Curatorial Committee. While technical details are important for this track, the main emphasis for the exhibition will be artistic merit and alignment with the theme of the exhibition. Works that are unrelated to the exhibition theme will not be selected for this track. Since the project statement will be published in the conference proceedings, the quality of the paper, and not just the art work, will have an impact on the selection.

Important Dates

May 3, 2004 Final deadline extension !!!
Interactive art program submission deadline (authors who have not submitted an abstract may also submit by their full paper by the new deadline).

May 7, 2004 Final deadline extension !!!
Exhibition submission deadline

June 1, 2004
Short papers submission deadline

July 7, 2004
Notification of acceptance for full papers, short papers, and exhibition

July 23, 2004
Camera-ready papers due


Authors whose works are accepted in the tools tracks must register and attend the conference. Artists whose work is selected for the exhibition are highly encouraged, but not required to register and attend the conference. Artists, however, are fully responsible for installation and delivery of artworks. Anyone who attends the conference must register. The exhibition, however, will be open to the public (no registration needed).

Please feel free to contact the program chairs for any clarifications:

Alejandro Jaimes
Fuji Xerox, Nakai Research Center (Japan)

Pamela Jennings
Carnegie Mellon University (USA)

Curatorial Committee

Mark Tribe, Director of Art & Technology, Columbia University School of the Arts (USA)

Christina Yang, Curator of Visual Art and New Media, The Kitchen (USA)

Pamela Jennings, School of Art and the HCI Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)

Alejandro Jaimes, Fuji Xerox, Multimedia Analysis and Interaction, Nakai Research Center (Japan)

Technical Program Committee

Peter Anders, Independent (USA)
Federico Barbagli, Stanford University and University of Siena(USA/Italy)
Antonio Camurri,University of Genoa (Italy)
S. Sidney Fels, University British Columbia (Canada)
Jonathan Foote, FX Palo Alto Laboratory (USA)
Elisa Giaccardi, University of Colorado at Boulder (USA/Italy)
Diane Gromala, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
Roger Malina, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique and Leonardo (France/USA)
Steve Mann , University of Toronto (Canada)
Lev Manovich, University of California, San Diego (USA)

Franck Nack, CWI (The Netherlands)
Kazushi "TAKAMARU" Nishimoto, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hokuriku (Japan)
Thanassis Rikakis, Arizona State University (USA)
Nicolas Roussel, Université Paris-Sud (France)
Bill Seaman, Rhode Island School of Design (USA)
Nicu Sebe, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Andrew Senior, IBM TJ Watson (USA)
Christa Sommerer, Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) (Japan)
Hari Sundaram, Arizona Sate University (USA)
Nicolas Tsingos, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France)
Ron Wakkary, Simon Fraser University (Canada)