MIR 2001 - 3rd Intl Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval

October 5, 2001. Ottawa, Canada

In conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2001

Shaped-Based Image Retrieval by Spatial Topology Distances

Hsin-Chang Yang

To appear at 3rd Intl Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR2001), Ottawa, Canada , October 5, 2001


Shape-based image retrieval is achieved by measuring the spatial topology distance between the input image and each template image in the database. The contour of an object in the input image is regularly sampled as feature points which are matched to those of a template image by a pseudo elastic matching process. The elastic matching is achieved by performing the self-organizing map algorithm on the network which is constructed by distributing neurons to feature locations of the template image. The spatial topology distance is measured by the degree of distortion of the template pattern before and after elastic matching. We tested the method on the Columbia Object Image Library database. Preliminary experiments suggested promising result by our approach.

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